Thursday, November 30, 2023

2023 - 2024 Cruise ~ Weeks 8 - 9 ~The Remainder of November

The second half of November was busy. . . .

     We had a strong weather front stall over Florida for the better part of a week. The winds increasing to 25-28 mph with gusts hitting 40 on occasion. However, it was the rains that were remarkable. Streets were flooded from West Palm Beach down to Ft Lauderdale. The heavy rains here were on and off for 5 days. Georgia had taken the connector for the canvas dodger to the Bimini the week prior. This meant that all that rain was hitting our “front door” and we had little protection from the rain when preparing the dog for a walk. Once the front was gone and the sun returned, we couldn’t sit up in the cockpit without being in the sun. We never realized how great having the connector really is.

        Heavy rains accompanied the winds on 11/16/23 

     There were a number of pre-surgical appointments in Delray Beach for Pete’s surgery.

. . .  flowers from a free bouquet from Publix and a very tired Tillie

      The weekend prior to the surgery, the Indian River Lagoon Science Fair was right here in River Walk Park. There were lots of information booths covering wave dynamics, the impact on shore and plant life; marine life in the mangroves, lagoons, lakes and ocean; the life and death of coral; archeology, policing, ecology, manatee rescue, as well weather and its impact. There were sculptures made from recovered trash and the opportunity to name a whale. It was well attended, enjoyed and everyone walked away having learned something new.


Lots of information, exhibits using trash found in the water, and Name the Whale contest.
Indian River Science Fair
      Ann and Howie visited us here in Fort Piece. He requested dinner with a view and Chuck’s Seafood didn’t disappoint both in view and food. All our selections were delicious.

Sunset's dramatic lighting of clouds over the Gulf Streeam
     Pete’s surgery was done on the 20th and everything went well. The nerve block did hold for the full 24 hours. Pain meds were started earlier to avoid the pain peak. He was doing fairly well, but reality caught up with him on Thanksgiving. Sleep was the great escape; so much of the day was spent in bed. We brought back delicious food for him from our Thanksgiving Dinner at the club. They gave him so much, we all enjoyed the great leftovers on Friday. Pete opted to start his PT in Ft. Pierce, so we returned to the boat after 10 days. Even though it was sooner than with the right knee, he was able to get on and off the boat for PT, but it was a bit more challenging this time.

Pete with post-surgical support from Tillie

Sights from my walks with Tillie ~  

The choir welcoming the morning and dew kissed leaf

Full moon rising over Delray Beach

Hopefully, he will do as well with the left knee recuperation as he did with the right.

~ ~ ~ /)   K & P ~ ~ 

Sunday, November 12, 2023

2023 - 2024 Cruise ~ Week 7 / Week 2 Fort Pierce

     Tillie doesn’t know Daylight Standard Time yet. She woke at 6:15, with dawn on Sunday morning. Pete took her for a walk around 6:45. It was another beautiful day, temps at 59 going up to 80. The breezes are light once again out of the NNE, but increased during the day.
     After breakfast, we headed over to the dog park. As we entered the area, all 4 dogs were sitting at attention by the pavilion, watching the newcomer. She had a blast.
     When it was time to leave, we rode down to Jensen Beach, had a quick lunch and came “home” along the scenic drive near the river. As we continued on, over to check out the scenery at the jetty, we saw Joe & Taura’s boat, SV SETTING SUN at anchor.
     Once back, we spent the afternoon sitting up above and read before the Phillies/Cowboys game at 4:30. It proved to be an exciting game with a nail-biting ending. Eagles won!!! They are firmly in the lead with 9 & 1.

Marina Cat loves
Taura & Joe's wagon

     Tillie is still trying to adjust to the time change. She was moving around Monday, at dawn, but didn’t whimper until 30 minutes later, but 6:45 was still early.
     Georgia was able to stop by around 9 this moring. She’s going to modify the joiner before making the pattern for the enclosure. We are looking forward to the final product.
     The rest of the day, Pete worked on a project while I worked on the blog.

     Tuesday’s alarm went off at 5:15 am and we were heading south at 5:45, in order to make Pete’s 8am CAT scan at Boca West Hospital. Tillie & I walked around the perimeter of the hospital while Pete was inside. It was a quick appointment and, since we needed to kill time before my 11 am appointment for my hair in West Palm Beach, we opted to do breakfast at Dunkin. We also checked out Riviera Beach Marina before we needed to head over to the salon.
     It was rather eerie when I walked into the salon. My stylist was there alone. For some reason, all the stylists quit simultaneously. (There's gotta be a story there!) Since I was only doing the color, I was out in and out in less than an hour. Then it was back to the Fort Pierce.
     Pete worked the afternoon while I went to Walmart for most of the items on my list. While there, Chris called, and we spoke for about a half hour. It took me another 40 minutes to finish my shopping. I did the self-checkout, as usual, and with only 3 items left, the scanner went wonky. I had to completely unpack my canvas bags and redo my entire checkout. Then it was off to Publix for the last few items on my list, I finally made it back to the marina around 5:30; quickly unpacked and put everything away. Thankfully, I picked up a rotisserie chicken and salads which made for a delicious and fast dinner. Needed to chill after dinner.

      Wednesday, I was bad and didn’t take Tillie to the dog park. She had her grooming appointment at noon. We dropped her off and continued to Taco Dive. Pete finally tried my favorite: the Taco Salad with steak and their yummy Dive Sauce. We enjoy watching the inlet boat traffic while eating. There is usually interesting boats to see. Today, we saw a strange ship depart. It was an off-shore supply/support ship named AXIS. It was funky and fairly new. We found out that it services a lot of large, private yachts.

Support Ship AXIS

     We moved over to the parking lot and enjoyed the sights at the inlet until it was time to pick up Tillie.
     Apparently, today Tillie was a totally spoiled brat. She carried on terribly, wanting to play with the other dogs, who free-range in the space. She was loud, with her high pitched, excited bark and constantly on the move. It was very difficult for the staff to work.

Before and after. . .and still an attitude!

      Thursday brought chores and laundry for me, and more work for Pete.  I finally posted Week 6 onto the blog.
     I had my eye appointment on Friday in Stuart. I just love having my eyes burned by the solutions and icky from the yellow dialation solution, not to mention my eye makeup half gone. (NOT!!!)  On our way back, we stopped by to pick up a new vest for Pete as I shrank his original one when I washed it yesterday. He needs it for the competition tomorrow.
     Mike and Barbara, SV ELAN, returned to I-dock today.  It was so good to welcome them.  Plans are in the works for a Taco Tuesday this coming week!   Diane and Dave, MV ARGONAUT, we are waiting for you!

     Pete was up and out by 6 am for the competition on Saturday. It was a beautiful, warm and calm day. It was great for walking Tillie through the downtown market, with all the people, dogs, as well as the food and craft stalls. She walked and behaved perfectly. For Pete, the sun and heat was a drain. He came back dirty and overheated. He couldn’t wait for a shower.

Water Lillies by the Manatee Center this morning

     Ann & Howie came up to welcome us to Florida. We planned on an early dinner and since Howie wished seafood by the water,  we “settled” for Chucks Seafood, which is on the inlet. There was no "settling". Everything we ordered was delicious. Their smoked fish dip is soooo good and their variety of freshly caught, local fish was great. Pete and Howie really enjoyed their special Cajun Crust on the fish. All too soon we had to say good-bys, but we will see them next weekend for a week. We will be staying with them for a while after Pete has his knee replacement surgery next Monday.
     All the walking and standing for 6 hours in this heat, and without a breeze, made it feel like 100 degrees. That takes a lot out of you. With a belly full of great food, Pete didn’t stay up very long before calling it a night.

     I am looking froward to this coming week. I think it should be less chaotic with most of the appointments done and the major boat chores completed. Hopefully there is more time to relax, read and do what I want.

Saturday, November 4, 2023

2023 - 2024 Cruise ~ Week 6/ Week 1 Fort Pierce

Tonight's Sunset
     Once lines are tied off for our 6 month stay here in Ft. Pierce, there are still lots of chores that need to be done. Sunday, because boat desperately needed it, we power washed of the topsides, washed pedestal and helm seat, the canvas, windows, and enclosure, which needed to be hung to dry before putting it away for the season. Then the window coverings were put back in place. The lines were reorganized, dried and put away.
     After showering, we were so fortunate that Marilyn and Jon were available to head over to Taco Dive with us to celebrate our return to Ft. Pierce. It was so good to catch up, but boy, were we tired.
     The tarpon have been very aggressive eating, banging and splashing against boats. It’s gonna take Tillie a while to get used to it.

     On Monday, Pete worked until about 2 pm. He then rode the electric scooter over to pick prescriptions for both of us. He had to wait for his to be filled, but was back after about 80 mins. Unfortunately, they only filled 1 out of the 3 prescriptions I needed.

Windy App showing the winds hitting the Florida Coast, The marina cat waiting 
for Barbara and Mike's arrival and the beautiful yacht JUSMAD
     We finally found time to enjoy the cockpit & read until dinner. Pete’s birthday dinner was chicken parmesan with leftover Bolognese sauce from the freezer. I had planned to make a chocolate pudding pie, but the milk was frozen solid. We need a new thermal regulator, which is on Pete’s Honey-do list.

     Tuesday was a pretty day with the same breeze and temps as yesterday. Pete worked for a while this morning while I was under the weather. He called for an UBER to take him to Enterprise for the rental car. He also stopped by the pharmacy for my prescriptions. Once back, he grabbed the laundry and headed to the laundromat as we had 3 full loads. No trick-or-treaters in the marina, but there were some along the main street.

     Early Wednesday morning, I drove Pete down to West Palm Beach Airport.  Pete’s partner George picked him up at Baltimore Airport mid-afternoon, shared dinner then dropped him off at our car. Of course, I tried to finish up the blog, but a headache delayed the process. I did meet Rick from Astraea (Island Packet) who has joined us on I-dock for the season.

     I was shocked Thursday morning when Tillie let me sleep to 8:15! We took a long walk, before breakfast. Once back spoke with Pete, who was south of Savanah, He raved about his first Bucky’s stop for their super clean bathrooms, delicious BBQ and inexpensive fuel.
     He asked me to close engine intake and open aft cabin hatch for some fresh air. Well. . . I needed repaired screen before putting it in the hatch. To do so, I needed to move enclosure that was laid over everything. So… emptied cabin to get at enclosure wrapping materials. Wrapped up enclosure, then proceeded to reorganize and inventory everything in the aft cabin so I the enclosure could be stored back there too.
     We have been experiencing super high tides all week courtesy of the King Tides occurring during the full moon. Thursday, it was 2 inches from top of dock. Needless ot say, it was very challenge getting on & off boat.

     Sue Ann, Ray, Dave and I welcomed Melissa and Mike and Maggie, MV BOLD RASCAL back for the season on Thuraday.. Pete made it back shortly after they arrived.
     A short while later we heard sounds that sounded like 2 shots. We all looked, but didn’t see anything. However, 20 minutes later, as I went to walk Tillie, there were 7 police cars in our parking lot and across the marina was more police, a police boat, fire and rescue. Our prayers are with the family of the young man who took his life on one of the docks.

Police activity at the marina

      On Friday, I was fortunate to meet up with Taura, Joe and Leo of SV SETTING SUN. They will be heading out shortly with the hopes of crossing over to the Bahamas soon. Unfortunately, the NNE Winds have been blowing for almost a week and look to continue well into next week. They are more than ready. The boat has been converted to lithium battery power. Courtesy of our “free table” here at the bath house, they are now equipped with a water maker, as well as most of what they needed to head out on their sailing adventure. We all wish them the very best. What an education it will be for Leo who is 5. I can’t wait to catch up with Leo’s adventures on YouTube: 

     We planned on grabbing dinner at First Friday held at marina square. We overlooked the fact that the “season” has not fully arrived, so many of the food trucks were not there. Our choices were so poor, that we opted to eat at Cobbs’s. We knew their food is alsways good.  Their outdoor dining area was expanded a few years ago and is very popular. We were able to be seated outside with Tillie in tow. She did remarkably well with all the pedestrian traffic, the other dogs, and the excitement of the restaurant. This scenario was to be our last session with Hiede, our dog (and people) trainer up in Maryland. She would be and we are so happy with Tillie's progress!!!
     When I walked Tillie later that night, there were at least 3 bands playing in Marina Square. I was able to hear rock, Jamaican and Latin competing for attention.

     The Saturday Farmer’s Market is also not fully geared up for the season. However, the Jamaican Bowls stand, which makes the delicious omelets and home fires, the bakery and the smoothie stands were all very popular. With it being such a busy week, we decided to relax and read. With the mild temps and the breezes continuing from the NNE, it was great to sit up in the cockpit.
     I spoke with both Diane from ARGONAUT and Barbara from ELAN. We look forward to their arrival on I-Dock in the not-too-distant future.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K