Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 December in Fort Pierce and New Jersey

     Sunday, 12/1/24 ~ Watched the Eagles play the Baltimore Ravens, winning 24 to 19. Pete has been lucky. Eagles are in first place, so games are on network programming. He has been able to watch most of the exciting games, something which usually doesn’t happen very often during the regular season.

Tillie helped with Christmas Decorations inside PEKABU
while Mother Nature decorated our sunset!

     Monday, 12/2/24 ~ I put up our new outdoor Christmas lights. Our old ones were supposed to be waterproof, but we found about an inch of water in the controller. This set has 20 colors, from solids to combinations of: all colors, red and green or just white (for Christmas), red, white and blue (4th of July), red, red and white, or all pink (Valentine Day) as well as purple and/or orange (Halloween), Green (St Paddy’s Day), yellow or pink (Easter), etc. Then there are 8 different functions from steady, to fade, to running, to twinkling and variations in between. Pete is enjoying choosing different combinations daily!

     December has been rough. The health of both my mom and our friend, Ray, here on I-Dock are failing. Daily reports from my sisters regarding my Mom in NJ, and Sue Ann for Ray were not good. On Wednesday, December 4th, after 33 years, Mom reunited with Dad. At 97, it is truly a blessing. On New Year’s Eve we learned of Ray’s passing. He will be missed by all. Our thoughts and prayers are shared with Sue Ann.

Remembering Mom in 2019 on her 90th birthday with her 5 children
and Christmas 2023 celebrating with Jenn

    Our good friend, Jon had successful surgery on his rotator cuff, but fell a few days later and needed to go into rehab.
    The final bit of bad news came from the boat mechanic. Our engine problems have been caused by a number of issues: a short on the fuel pump, the sender for the fuel gauge was non-functional (so we DID run dry on our way here), an improper air filter contaminated the cylinder, causing them to become etched. Added to that the engine stopped running, has no compression, and had no prior symptoms! Now, we need to rebuild or replace the engine. Pete has spent most of his free time researching on the internet.

     Thursday, 12/5/24 ~ Barb, her friend, Chrissy, and I enjoyed our walk around town this morning. We not only enjoyed the conversation and company, but we chatted a while with a homeowner on 2nd Street, who always has outrageous and unique decorations for Halloween and Christmas. This year, she continued to use the Halloween skeletons, incorporating them as elves for Christmas.  The town is also ready for Christmas.

Christmas arrives in Fort Pierce

Tonight's sunset did not disappoint!

     Saturday, 12/7/24 ~ There was plenty to do. The past 3 days were spent cleaning, deciding what warm clothes we needed for an extended stay through Christmas, laundry, and packing. With everything just about done, we picked up a bunch of tacos from the Taco Dive in Vero, and brought dinner to the rehab, where we shared dinner with Jon and Marilyn. It was good to visit and see Jon doing so much better.
     Once back, we packed up the car, walked the dog, had the last minute items ready to grab. By 9, we were headed to bed.

     Sunday, 12/8/24 ~ The alarm went off at 1:30 am. The through hulls were closed, dog walked, and the last of our stuff placed in the car. We were on the road heading to New Jersey in less than an hour. Thankfully, we had no real traffic. Still, it was a long day, 2:30 am to 7:40 pm, traveling 1300 miles.


Sunrise over Georgia  . . .   And Tillie chillin' and checking it out

Pete, Buns & Tillie
     Monday, 12/9/24 ~ It was time to decompress. Since we don’t have AppleTV onboard, we were able to finish viewing the last season of Ted Lasso. It really was a great show. Rumors are that there might be a 4th season. That is another great reason for visiting our kids!

     Tuesday, 12/10/24 ~ We had an evening wake, which really was a celebration of Mom’s life and legacy. Pete said that was, by far, the loudest wake we have ever attended. After  the service we had dinner at Cafe Trivoli Restaurant. It’s convenient being in town, with great food, and room to accommodate all. Diner continued with the feeling of a family reunion with catching up, sharing memories, full of laughter, love. . . and lots of photos!

Happy 70th, Wayne!
     Wednesday, 12/11/24 ~ My sister, Steph and her family needed to head home early this morning. The rest of us sibs escorted Mom to the crematorium. On the way back, Pete and I stopped at the Palisades Park Bakery. It has been our go-to for delicious desserts since I was a baby. The original German owner sold it about 30 years ago. The area has become a small Korean town and the new Korean owner didn’t want to loose the great followers like my family. The important part of the purchase was not only all the recipes, but to keep the baker for 5 years to teach the new owners all his tricks of the trade. The business has expanded and changed with the times, but is still a thriving business. As it was my brother, Wayne’s, 70th Birthday, I bought a chocolate strawberry cake that was scrumptious. The presentation was also magnificent. The cake was a standard 10-inch round by 5-inch high. The “box” was a sheet of plastic that fit into the groove on the cake plate, forming a circular enclosure, standing about 14 inches high and a round top was put in place. Ribbon came up from 4 points from the base and created a bow on top. He also included an elegant “Happy Birthday” ornament and slim candle to help us celebrate.
     Wayne, Debi, Deneen, Joe, Pete and I spend the rest of the day relaxing, sharing delicious food and great stories, My Mom and Dad would be proud of the really good people they raised. Yes, we love each other, but we also enjoy each other.

     Friday, 12/13/24 ~ Greg has been in the Coast Guard for 23 years. This is the first time we have been available to join him for a Tiger Cruise. It is a program that allows civilians (family and friends) to spend time on a military vessel with a deployed crew member. Greg is serving on the aboard the USGC WILLIAM TATE, a black-hull, 125-foot, aids to navigation (AToN) ship out of Philadelphia. Greg invited Pete and I, and his good friend, Kevin. We not only had a tour of the ship and met fellow crew, but we departed the dock into the Delaware River. Once underway, two of the crew were recognized, one for a promotion and the other received his Cutterman’s Pin, given for 5 years of service on the water. When the service was completed, everyone quickly returned to the slightly warmer, interior of the ship. It was a balmy, 27 degrees on deck with a wind out of the north; a bit cold for the thinned-blooded the Floridians on board! We stayed up on the bridge and watched Greg pilot the ship north to where the crew removed 3 cylindrical buoys and replace them with seasonal buoys that are meant to break any ice that forms around them. Everyone knows their part in the process and watching the choreography is fascinating. It was an interesting and great day.

Up and out of the house before sunrise
USCG WILLIAM TATE, deck view,  and Greg, Pete & Kevin checking out the buoy chain

View from the command bridge

Railroad bridge opening and buoy to be changed

The buoy exchange evolution
Heading back south the Delaware River
The Pennsylvania side of the Delaware River
The New Jersey side, with the retired USS Battleship New Jersey

The TATE seen off Rt 295
   Saturday, 12/14/24 ~ Greg had to work as the replacement of the buoys needs to be complete before the freezing weather arrives. While Pete and I were running errands, we stopped and saw the TATE working on the Delaware River from 295 in NJ. They used the horn to signal they saw us!

     Sunday, 12/15/24 ~ Both of us have heavy colds and have found it easiest on our eyes to sit comfortably, listening to an audiobook and be completely relaxed for the better part of 3 days. We did open our eyes to watch the Eagles game this afternoon as they defeated the Washington Commanders in an exciting game. They are top in the NFC East with 13/2 record heading into the playoffs.

     Friday, 12/20/24 ~ We had about 3 inches of snow this evening. For these Southerners, it was a rare treat. It was truly fun to watch Tillie discover snow. At first, she stepped timidly, then she sniffed it. Within a moment or two, she buried her nose in it. Then she ran around like a complete fool and eventually rolled all over. Needless to say, she was totally enchanted.

     Saturday, 12/21/24 ~ Morning dawned, the sun came out and it was magical. There was ice in the trees and snow on the ground and Tilly was in seventh heaven. Her favorite place to be is in the backyard where she can run around as much as she wants, be as crazy as she wants. She loves to run in, roll in, sniff, eat or just be in snow. She’s becoming rather insistent that after every morning walk, she be let out into the backyard. Of course, she insists that one of us must be out with her because without us, she can’t have fun.

Fun in the snow . . .   and a Florida car covered with snow and ice on the window

      This afternoon we decided to take a ride out to Peddlers Village in Lahaska, PA, which is about a half hour or so from the house. It was all decked out for Christmas. We arrived around 3:30 and got lucky, finding a parking spot very close to the village. We were bundled up as it was in the 20s with a cold wind that went right through us. It was interesting to visit some of the very “touristy” shops. After checking a few restaurants, we found The Peddler’s Pub had a short wait line. Although they didn’t offer soup, which we originally hoped for, we still managed to warm up as we enjoyed our meal. Once back outside, the sun had set and the cold increased. We found a spot out of the wind and waited for the blue hour, where the village becomes enchanting and picturesque with the colored lights and the covering of snow. Once satisfied with a few photos, we were glad to get back to the car and put the heater on full. It might have been a big temperature shock, but it was well worth the trip.


Peddler's Village at Christmas time

     On our way back, GPS brought us to the bridge that connects New Hope, PA to Lambertville, NJ. Unfortunately, traffic on the bridge is only one way, heading west due to construction. We were not in any rush, so we enjoyed driving south through New Hope with all her holiday lights and décor. I made sure I gave Carolyn a heads up prior to our lunch date in Lambertville on Monday.

     Sunday, 12/22/14 ~ Everyone was a bit bummed as the Eagles suffered their 3rd loss of the season to the Washington Commanders today, 33 to 36. However, they still have one of the best records in the NFC East. Hopefully, they will maintain that great record all the way to the Super Bowl!
     Jenn and Greg planned to have dinner with friends in Peddler’s Village, but we’re unable to get any reservations. DUH! It’s a Sunday before Christmas! Instead, they met for dinner closer to home and had a great time.

     During our stay with Jenn and Greg, Jenn acquired a new partner as a co-owner with her exercise studio, Star Fitness NJ. Jenn has a proven track record and a successful business model with the studio that not only incorporates hot yoga and bar, as well as strength conditioning but manages to host numerous well-attended and anticipated, special events throughout the year. It’s a really exciting time and we wish Jenn and her new partner continued success.

     Monday, 12/23/24 ~ It has become an annual Christmas tradition for my dear friend, Carolyn, and I to meet around Christmas for a great meal and exchange hugs, wishes, gossip and gifts. This year was no different.  We met again at the Lambertville Station Restaurant and Inn. I was smart and made sure I made a reservation for us. We have gotten lucky in the past, but didn't want to risk it. We both opted for their Rustic Flatbread with smoky bacon, caramelized onions. arugula, dried cranberries and smoked mozzarella. It was by far, the best flat bread/pizza we have ever enjoyed!  Of course, the 40+ year friendship is even better.

The Lambertville Restaurant


The Delaware River looking towards New Hope, PA

      Tuesday, 12/24/24 ~ Christmas Eve is always prep for Christmas Day. Even though I no longer host a Christmas meal, I look forward to contributing. For tomorrow, Chris requested my noodle salad.
      When the kids were small, we would travel from Rhode Island to NJ where we would stay with Pete’s parents. Since his mom prepared the dinner, I started a tradition where I would festively set the table late Christmas Eve, using Mom’s good China and stemware. The egg, ham and cheese strata was prepared as well as the muffins so that come morning, they could bake and the coffee was made for us adults while everyone opened presents.
     As the kids got older, we wanted to celebrate in our home. That meant, since we had the only grandkids on both sides of the family, Pete’s parents, sister and brother as well as my parents, brother and 3 sisters were with us for at least 3 days. Yes, that is 3 lunches, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts for 14, plus sleeping areas for all 14! I learned to do a lot of the cooking a week ahead, freeze it on microwaveable dishes, rotate the reheating, and wrapping the heated food with beach towels to maintain the heat. Oh yea, serving dishes not used for heating, were labeled for condiments that they would serve. There was always last minute dishes that needed to be prepared. Yes, it was hectic and crazy, but also fun and very memorable.
      The last time I hosted a large group for Christmas was about 25 years ago. We had a 4-bedroom home in Delaware. It was the first time my brother, his wife, son and daughter traveled to the states from Italy for Christmas. I invited not only his family, but also my Mom, my sisters and their families: Debi’s 5, Deneen’s 4, and Stephanie’s 4 to come AFTER lunch for appetizers mid-afternoon with dinner around 6:30 and brunch the next morning. Yep, the math is correct. That is 23 warm and hungry bodies! The weekend before, I cooked the 23-pound turkey, a 14-inch casserole dish of stuffing, 36 twice-baked potatoes, a 12-pound boneless ham, and prepped the tray of baked yams, and a partridge in a pear tree!? No, it was a large tray of breakfast strata. Thank heavens for neighbors, who loaned me extra casserole dishes and having a full-sized freezer in the basement! 2 days before the invasion, I made 3 gallons of mushroom soup, cut up 2 pounds of various cheeses, and made 2 14-inch platters heaped with veggies and fruits. With temps reaching a high of 33 degrees, I was able to store some of the food overnight in coolers in our garage. We managed to set the tables, chairs, and place settings just prior to the hoard’s, um. . . I mean family's arrival which was closer to 1 pm than 3, and they arrived hungry. The cheese, crackers, veggies and fruit barely lasted 45 minutes when kids started asking for more to eat! One brother-in law brought 3 pizzas, that also quickly disappeared. My sisters were great. They peeled, cleaned 3 pounds of shrimp, and arranged the shrimp cocktail, rotated the dishes as they heated, and filled the labeled dishes with the appropriate condiments while I prepared the 3 pounds of string beans, baked the biscuits and another large casserole dish of pineapple bread pudding, heated the soup, and the ½ gallon of gravy. Believe it or not, I was able to put everything on the table after only 90 minutes of last-minute prep. Unlike previous dinners, everything remained covered until it was placed on the table, HOT when it was time for that course. I was certain I would have some leftovers to enjoy for part of the week. Boy, was I wrong! I had may be 5 slices of ham and about a half-pound of sliced turkey, some string beans and that was it! The family had brought drinks as well as multiple desserts. That all went, too!
      It was great when all the kids went to bed. It was the first time my siblings and I really got to talk and know each other as adults. My mom relished all the conversations and memories we shared. Each family had a room, with parents in the queen beds, and kids in sleeping bags on the floor. Mom got the sofa in the living room all to herself.
      And then came morning. . . . The giggling started around 7, so we were up for the day. Coffee was brewing, the strata and 3 pans of muffins were baking, 3 packages of sausage was cooking, and 2 dozen bagels were being cut while the kids were charged with setting the table and walking the dogs. Not only did all of this disappear, but the remaining pies and cake from last night also were consumed. The kitchen was cleaned, the kids played outside. Suddenly, everyone was looking for food. Breakfast had been 4 hours ago. My brother went out for bread, drinks and a bunch of cold cuts. So, lunch is now being served. After which, the kids resumed their playing outside, while 2 cars were washed and detailed as the temps were now in the 60’s. By 4 pm, my refrigerator interior was almost naked, and the “hungry” word came coming up. I finally put my foot down. “We love everyone dearly, but the food is all gone and it is time for you to go home!” Many of the kids grumbled, but everyone said it was really fun!
     Sorry for the long but fun, detour down memory lane.

     Wednesday, 12/25/24 ~ Christmas Day, we headed to Chris & Kel's house to celebrate. Heather went over yesterday. Greg and Jenn were supposed to join us, but poor Jenn is as sick as a dog, so they stayed home, laying low and relaxing.

Definitely memorable!
      We had ordered the girls a unique toy that Pete found on the Internet. To be on the safe side, we had it shipped to NJ and should have arrived the week before Christmas. Unfortunately, 3 days before Christmas, we were notified that the gifts would be delivered at the end of March! Needless to say, we canceled the order. With it being so close to Christmas, we’re now at a real loss as to what to get them. Being 11 and 8, the girls love to shop. The bundle of singles we gave each one was not only an eye-popper, but Christmas memory they won’t forget!
      Both our boys have turned into great cooks. Chris made a interesting Brussel sprouts dish to accompany the ham that everyone loved. (Pete tried it, but he truly feels “there is not enough Cheese Wiz in the world to make Brussel sprouts edible!”) Chris made a glaze made of honey, mustard and butter, which he brushed on every slice of the spiral cut ham before baking. It was probably the best ham we have eaten. He made sure that we had leftovers to take home for Greg and Jenn.

     Thursday, 12/26/24 ~ It was once again time for prepping, packing and loading the car.

     Friday, 12/27/24 ~ We left Greg and Jenn’s at 2:20 am. Traffic was moving great for most of the morning. However, as we approached Richmond around 11, the traffic built. It was a mixed bag of stopped, slowed, and free flowing moving traffic for the next few hours. The most congested areas were around Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and Daytona. Those delays added more than 4 hours to our trip. Our dock neighbor, Diane (SV ARGONAUT), requested our progress numerous times during the day and each time I had to report a later arrival time noted on GPS. She kept checking traffic and worried that we would not have anything to eat once back, When we arrived at 11;30 pm, we found that she had thoughtfully left us juice, cheese, crackers and cookies in the cockpit to munch on when we got back.  Thank you, Diane. We are so glad today is over. Hopefully, Tillie will let us sleep in the morning.


Besides a great audible book, this was the other memorable part of our l-o-n-g trip.

      Saturday, 12/28/24 ~ Unfortunately, Pete was up with Tillie around 7. Today was for unpacking, recouping and relaxing. Thank heavens for frozen leftovers. After a hearty meal, we headed to bed by 8. Not much was accomplished over the next 2 days, but the naps were great!

     Tuesday, 12/31/24 ~ New Year's Eve ~ We seem to have dragged the cooler weather south with us. After spending a few days up north in temps below freezing, we shouldn’t be complaining about temps in the 50’s and the low 60’s that will be sticking around for the week.
     Barb and Michael (SV ELAN), Melissa and Mike (MV BOLD RASCAL) Diane and Dave (MV ARGONAUT), Dave and Carolyn (MV PLUMERIA) as well as Thorn (MV STICKLER) and George (SV ?) both from H-Dock celebrated New Year’s Eve on I-Dock. 


We enjoyed appetizers, drinks, a toast to Ray, stories, adventures, the 9 pm fireworks from the town over the river and the 10:30 display from 2nd Street Bistro. 

The city's display over the river

Courtesy of 2nd Street Bistro

      As the sun sets on 2024 , we all agreed and wished for a different and better New Year filled with good health, continued friendships and peace for us as well as our family and friends. 

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ K & P