Saturday, October 24, 2015

Well, Almost at River Dunes

Amazing! A boat heading North!
      We were once again traveling at 9 am. Rich, River Dunes
Harbormaster, called me and suggested a local UBER driver who could get Pete to the rental agency in New Bern (45 minutes away).  He also said to call back if that didn’t work. He would work something out to make sure Pete gets to New Bern.
     We once again enjoyed a beautiful day on the water.  Temps in the high 60s, lower 70s and a light breeze from the north. We finally figured out BRUNELLE’s cruising speed so the group was able to travel in relative closeness.  However, the filter problems revisited BRUNELLE again, so they motored sailed as much as possible. Dan thinks it might be the new diesel additive that doesn’t contain a biocide that is causing all the fouling. They stopped in Hobucken to purchase fuel and the biocide.
     Hobucken is where the Coast Guard Small Boat Station is located.  As we passed the base, the crews were showing their gear to a group of motorcyclists.
Soon after, we began our travels across the “Naughty” Neuse River.  Even on relatively calm day, the waves were chaotic giving us a bumpy ride.

Dan and Jeanne
Pete, Maureen, Gerry and Martha
     We entered Broad Creek and passed the entrance to River Dunes, choosing to anchor about a 1/3 mile above the Red Buoy 4.  Further ahead, there were boats anchored as well as a small marina.  About a half hour after we anchored, BRUNELLE joined us.  The “dinghy pool” for the dogs was put in motion. After they returned, Dan made the rounds to all the boats offering dinghy service to BRUNELLE for cocktails at 5:30.  Dan even gave away party favors. . . fly tapes. Much appreciated by all of us!

Definitely enjoying and evening sail
     Shortly after a pretty sunset, the bugs returned and we were returned to our boats. We heard back from Rich, from River Dunes. He gave me the name and number of a local UBER driver.  That gentleman was not available, but he gave a name and number of someone who was. Pete will be picked up tomorrow at 9 AM at River Dunes.
     Visited with Betty (SV ANDIAMO), one of our original cruising friends, via email and caught up with our family doings.
     A good day all around . . . . And tomorrow we go into River Dunes Marina!
ICW Mile Marker    174
6.25  Hours       (Total 56.0 Hours)
40.6  Miles        (Total 365.8 Miles)

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