Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Melborne to Fort Pierce

Following sailboats,
reminding us of our friends
 who traveled with us for the 2010 cruise
     Bailey was walked, the dinghy hoisted back in its davits, and we left the anchorage as the sun rose. Today’s was an unremarkable sunrise.  It is ok, as it makes the spectacular ones more appreciated.
Passed by a smaller dredger
The "business end!"
Unusual "SLOW" sign in Wabasso
     First thing this morning, Pete called to see about dockage in Jensen Beach. None of the four marinas had dockage and there is no place to anchor and be able to walk the dog.  He called Fort Pierce City Marina and they had room. Unfortunately, that is 20 miles north of Jensen Beach.  That will mean a longer haul tomorrow to make West Palm Beach. 
Super Moon still affecting the tides
     The scenery south of Melborne is dotted with small islands, which are the spoils from the dredging of the channel. Over the years, scrub has grown and some of the islands have shrunk or disappeared below the surface.  Further down, the channel cuts through a series of islands and marshes and a very picturesque community of Wabasso Beach.  And, of course, as we near the ocean inlets, the clear waters become a beautiful shade of aqua blue.
Our temporary, but captivating, traveling companions
     The currents were still favorable, as was the wind. For most of the day our mainsail added about a half mile to our speed.  We arrived at Fort Pierce City Marina by 2:30.    I kept asking Pete if we were approaching the correct marina. We did not know that the marina had undergone a tremendous remodel since we were her 6 years ago. There are now various rock islands serving as a breakwater.  The entry channel is from the north instead of the south, and a number of new floating docks extend out from the original retaining wall. It looks like they added another 150 slips.  All the floating docks are wide, very stable, and well lit, which we appreciate as we are the last boat out on the longest dock. There is also dockside pump-outs.  Another bonus is the 20% off coupon receive when registering, which is good at the two restaurants here at the marina.
The spoil islands along the ICW

The Wednesday market
12-15 inch fish along the dock

    We met Kay and Frank for dinner here at the Tiki Bar.  We enjoyed the company as well as the great food. Hopefully, we will be able to get together again while we are in the area.
Sunset as seen from the Tiki Bar at the Marina
     Since we were not able to cover the extra 20 miles today to Jensen Beach, Pete took a look at traveling outside rather than dealing with the 7 bridges, 4 of which are on fixed schedules. Traveling time would be about the same. Tomorrow, the breezes inland are to be 10-15; outside on the Atlantic, they are to be 20 and above. Depending on the Gulf Stream’s closeness to shore, it could be a messy ride.  We’ll play it safe, take the ICW, and hope the timing works in our favor.

~ ~ ~ /) ~~  K & P                                                

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