Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Good Thing We Stayed

The winds arrived as predicted around 2 am and the rains followed about an hour later.  The winds probably reached 20+, while the heavy rains only lasted about an hour or two.  It was still windy in the morning, probably in the 10-15 mph here on shore, but they were 20+, out of the SSW on the Bay.  It was a smart move to stay put.  It meant I could take another walk to Weis, do some laundry and catch up with some friends by phone.  I can’t post to the blog as the Wi-Fi doesn’t stay connected. Pete worked down below as the Navy was using the area above our head as their landing approach to the Patuxent Naval Air Station.  The F-18, F-35, and A-10 are a wee bit noisy on their approaches.

More fall colors
 The strong, storm winds out of the south, pushed the water up the bay. As we watched the evening news, it was amazing to see the flooding in the downtown Annapolis.  They showed water up the steps to many of the stores by the waterfront.  The only time we have seen photos of more water in this area was during the historic flooding caused by Hurricane Isabel in 2003.  Those of us traveling south as the tides ebbs and the water recedes, will have a strong current pushing us down the Bay. Tomorrow should prove interesting.

~~~ /) ~~  K & P

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