Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Back in Brunswick, GA

     Monday, 4/16 – The storm might have passed last night, but the winds that remained through the night and, for most of the day, were substantial.  The Weather App said 22 mph, but our hand-held Windex read 33 mph.
     I defrosted the refrigerator and reorganized and inventoried the freezer. Then I stopped at Walmart Express for provisioning.
      Periodically, through out the day, we were checking the Passage Weather website for our window.  Tuesday's evening departure is looking promising, but we will continue to monitor tomorrow.
     We  were invited to share dinner with Deb and Hugh aboard SIMPLICITY. Each supplied their preferred meat. Deb made a delicious salad and String Beans Almond-ding along with mushrooms for the meat.  I added a large fresh fruit salad that could be garnished with frozen, mini chocolate morsels. Dinner was wonderful and the company great!
     Tuesday, 4/17 - We monitored Passage Weather off and on all day for wind, waves and Gulf Stream eddies. There is a window for us to jump from here to Hilton Head, 107 miles over about 14 hours, late tomorrow afternoon and through most of Wednesday. The predicted winds are fairly light from the W-WSW, waves 1-3 feet, and no gulf stream eddies to slow us down.  After a lot of discussion between us and suggestions from Hugh, we decided to leave early Wednesday morning around 2, rather than Tuesday evening around 5. It would be better to travel most of the time in daylight, rather than traveling at night.
     I picked up a few things I forgot while shopping yesterday, then reorganized the aft cabin.  When we returned from our road trip north, a lot of things were just tossed into the aft cabin and it really isn’t secure for traveling. Pete found time to get a much needed haircut.
St. Simon's Lighthouse
     When he returned, he suggested a ride over to St. Simon's Island.  It was beautiful with it's typical southern canopied winding roads, white beaches, a quaint downtown with various shops, restaurants, B&Bs and hotels.  I imagine that this place is hopping in the summer months.  We also treated ourselves to ice cream - The perfect complement to a beautiful day at the shore.
Canopied picnic area by the river
River walk
Oyster shells on the rocks
Art and Climbing
Ariel Gardening

Footprints in the Sand
Ride along water's edge
Water's mark
Quaint shops
Hotel downtown
Canopied road
Early 1900 home
undergoing renovations

    Donna, from SV DEEGEE V, stopped by.  They, too, just returned from a road trip north to, also, take care of grandkids.  She thanked us for the offer to buddy with us on the ocean jump, but with no radar, they would be more comfortable staying inside. They will continue traveling through Georgia on Wednesday.
    Deb and Hugh, SV SIMPLICITY, also stopped by to say good-by.  They are enjoying their stay here in Brunswick, but are waiting for a window to jump up to Charleston.
    Thankfully, the winds began to abate. The boat was checked, prepped, and readied to leave.  We made it an early night as 2 am will come quickly.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K

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