Today: 73
miles 10.2 hours ICW St M “948.7”
Total: 1090 miles 157.5 hours
Fog leaving Titusville City Marina & Park |
We were up and away from the dock at 6
am. Not only was it dark, but it was
also “pea soup” foggy! We slowly made
our way from the marina out to the channel, not wanting to awaken anyone
anchored/ moored outside the marina. About
a half hour later, even with the lightening the skies, we still couldn’t see
due to the fog. It was amazing to be
passed by small fishing boats at full throttle in this fog!
Missing Mike, who took the photo! |
Our original plan was to head straight to
Fort Pierce. Somehow in our
calculations, we neglected to account for our usual stop in Melbourne. There is no way we would try to get into that
marina, with the very narrow channel, markers being submerged during heavy
current, and under the cover of darkness!
(Umm. . . it is a bit crazy thinking of doing a 13-hour run and expect
sunlight for departure and arrival when we are only 5 days from the shortest
day of the year!!!) Our next option was to get a mooring at Vero Beach
Municipal harbor, but that would make our arrival after sunset. So instead we went into Suntech Marina in
Vero beach. Those 2.5 miles were the
difference between sunlight and darkness.
Suntech has a skinny entrance into a very
protected harbor. That is why Marilyn
and Jon keep SV ESCAPADE docked there and Debbie and Mike will work on SV
RESOLVE once she has completed her repairs from the lightening strike this past
Once we arrived, we called Marilyn and Jon
to let them know we arrived. Earlier, they
invited us to join them as well as Mike and Debbie for dinner at their
home. The company and food were
wonderful. It was great catching
up. Earlier in the week, they had dinner
with Betty, John, Martha and Dan. CCYC
South is pretty active!
For once, we can take our time departing
in the morning. From here to Fort Pierce is only 2.5 – 3 hours.
~ ~ /) ~ ~ K & P
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