Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Belhaven to Coinjock, NC

Today:          86.5 miles            13.4 hours          ICW St M “49.5”
Total:       2773.5 miles          368.3 hours

Since we knew it was going to be a long day, we were up and out at first light, 5:30 am. As we were getting to leave, I saw a moving line on the water in the dock area.  It turned out to be ducks and their ducklings.  I hope I was able to capture their early morning swim.

     Due to our steady, but slow speed, we were passed by everyone today.  It was probably about 15 boats, primarily motor, but a few sailboats as well.
Alligator Pongo Canal
Mother Nature reclaiming "The Beaver Pile"
(12' tall in 2010 ~~~ 2019 only about 4-5')
     The day was partially sunny, with the winds were on the nose at about 12-15 while crossing the Albemarle Sound, but it was doable. The marina staff usually waits for all the boats to be docked before heading home.
North River into the Sun
     We didn’t get into Coinjock until 7:30 and there were 2 more boats that come in after us.  Since it was late, we decided to eat at the restaurant.  This was our 3rd time eating here and I still was disappointed with the food.  Pete’s burger was great.  I guess I will have to stick with that or the Prime Rib, which they is known for.

Sunset in Coinjock

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  K & P

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