Once up, I had to put away all the stuff I had taken north. then I checked on the meteor shower. It wound up being nothing. I am glad we didn't try to stay up and watch it.
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PEKABU's Christmas Tree |
We were able to meet up with our friends here in Fort Pierce. Bruce and Lin has traveled aboard their catamaran, SV ALIZE from Kent Island all the way through the Caribbean and back. They returned to land and settled here. We caught up on things aboard PEKABU while enjoying some snacks. We then headed over to Cobb's Landing for dinner and then onto Uncle Carlo's Gelato for a delicious dessert. Too soon it was time to say our good-bys.
Once back on board, it didn't take long for both of us to crash and burn.
Monday, 12/16/19 ~ Pete was occupied all day with work. In between calls, he kept asking what were we going to get as gifts for family. I told him that we still had time. He quickly reminded me that Christmas was next week! Needless to say, I was in complete shock! Had I realized that Pete flew up on Friday so we could drive to Florida on Saturday only to turn around and return to Pennsylvania 8 days later, I would have stayed at my sister's another week, or had Pete take the cheep flight last Friday and stay the week with me at Debi's. It proves that: 1) Pete really loves me! and 2) I am totally confused! Thank heavens for online shopping! It took about 3 hours and I had most of it done. Hope stuff arrives by Friday so I have time to wrap it.
I also made an appointment for tomorrow with a local dermatologist for my face. The rash keep getting worse. None of the current meds seem to be working.
The rest of the day, I puttered around and made a list of things I still need.
Tuesday, 12/17/19 ~ With lists in hand, I kissed Pete good by and headed to the dermatologist. During the exam, he said that it didn't look like Rosesea, but a Para-oral Dermatitis. As a precaution, he suggested I start using a non-fluoride toothpaste. He prescribed an antibiotic, that will not upset my stomach and will not interfere with my other meds, as well as 2 additional topicals. I had the office call in the Rx's to the Walgreen's next door to the Dermatology office.
Since it will take a while to fill the Rx's, I continued down the road to Michael's, BJ's and Walmart. I was able to pick up a few more gifts and stocking stuffers.
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End of day view from our porch |
Wednesday, 12/18/19 ~ It was really windy today. The temps were in the 60's, but the winds made it seems much colder. The local weather reported winds of 25-30 with gusts much higher. Passage weather indicated that with winds just of shore were 35-40 mph with 12-25 foot waves. Definitely not a day to head out to sea! Since the winds were out of the NNE, it also substantially increased the current through the marina. We are situated across the current so when the tide comes in it pushes us against the floating dock. With the wind increasing not only the current, but also the wind coming broadside to PEKABU. We healed, we rocked, we shuddered, and a vortex formed as the current raced around out bow. The indentation in the water appeared to be 6-8 inches deep. Without the glare of the sun on the water, we were able to see the bubble trail from the vortex extending about 5-6 feet back from the bow and we could only see about 2 foot down into the water! It might have been longer and deeper than what we could see. Pete was concerned about our fenders being so compressed that they might pop (so was I when he showed it to me!). West Marine had a sale on them so off he went ASAP. We used all 4 along with the 4 we already had in place.
It was a good day to stay inside so I did a lot of reorganizing of my stuff. With limited space, I have always "scientifically packed" my clothes. As organized as it sounds, it really wasn't. Every time I reached for a clothing item, I usually disrupted the rest. As a result, most of my clothes became wrinkled. While at my sister's and living out of my duffel bags, I finally realized that if I placed my sorted and folded clothes into plastic grocery bags, I could remove an entire class of clothing, while retrieving another and not make a mess! I wish I had that light bulb moment about 9 weeks earlier! Well, now that I have it I found out it works great for my closet's shelves too!
Once my stuff was organized, it was time to reorganize our aft cabin (our "basement!") Pete slept there when Paul was on board. Then it had to be emptied again for the mechanic to check things back there. Here is where my scientific packing pays off. Stuff that is rarely used is placed the furthest back; most needed/used closest. I also have extra dry goods in the canvas shopping bags that also must be easily accessed. It is not a big job, but one I prefer to do so that when Pete plays the "Have you seen...?" game, I can usually answer, "Yes, it is . . . " I usually win, scoring about 98 out of 100!
After positioning the fenders, Pete used one of our swim noodles to silence the swim ladder for the floating dock located by our aft. It has been banging due to the wind and current for hours. The silence is wonderful. Even fellow boaters stopped by to say, "Thanks!" He also did some cleaning and organizing while I did my thing. He cleaned out the filters, and reorganized the Nav table. Before we knew it, It was time to start dinner.
Thursday, 12/19/19 ~
My cleaning continued into today. Since the winds have died down somewhat (down to 20-25 mph), I was able to clean the port and hatch "lights" (windows) and lubricate the seals on them, This is done about 2-3 times a year as maintenance. After dusting and washing the floor, I put down the new area rugs I was able to pick up while in NJ. They look great, but I am concerned with having a much lighter streak in the center of the rugs, it might show dirt so much quicker. I will keep my fingers crossed that I am wrong.
Pete was busy most of the day with work so I worked around his phone calls.
Friday, 12/20/19 ~ Those winds continue 18-20 mph still from the NNE (which means cooler temps).
Pete and George continue to have work projects that should be completed before the holidays. So after exercising, I ran errands. Since I had to head south to Port St. Lucie for the closest LabCorps, I stayed in that area. I was able to get to Home Depot, Lowes, Publix, Walmart and Walgreen"s.
Having completed all my errands, I returned home to start my wrapping. I place my cardboard cutting board on the forward bed and it is the right height for me to stand and wrap! I made a healthy dent in the wrapping, but then dinner needed to be prepped.
After dinner we relaxed, watched some TV and read.
Saturday, 12/21/19 ~ There were rain bands that came in all morning. As a result, we decided to skip the Saturday Farmer's Market. I made French Toast with fruit for as special breakfast.
Pete once again stopped by the marina office to see if the presents we had ordered for Hadi and Riley had arrived. Amazon email indicated that they were delivered by USPS, but they still have not shown up at the office. So he went to the Post Office. They said that the addressee had signed for the package. YUP! They don't deliver to the individual boats. It was stolen. So, Pete continued on to the Walmart, that was jammed a few days before Christmas, BUT they were well stocked with toys. Pete was able to pick up the Barbie Plane and Jeep for the girls and be out of there in under 30 minutes! Whew! (AND Walmart was actually cheaper than Amazon on these two items!)
By dinner, all the gifts are wrapped and packaged for traveling. We had also packed all our clothes, Bailey's stuff and moved them to the car. Bagels with cream cheese are wrapped, granola bars, sodas, waters and my OJ are all packaged in the fridge, ready to grab as we leave.
By 8:30 PM, Bailey has been walked and we start heading to bed. 1:30 AM is only a few hours away.
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K
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