Calm, bright morning and cool reflections on the water ~ & a determined fisherman

Traffic on the ICW was fairly light. We were only passed by 4 other boats. We had discussed doing an outside jump to West Palm Beach, but it is another hour to head north to the Old Port Cove Anchorage. We might as well enjoy the scenery from the ICW. The only negative is the 7 bridges. We had between a 5- and a 25-minute wait for the bridges. Everyone was polite and passages uneventful.
Sights along the ICW ~ Big homes, colorful flowers, big boats,& lots of toys~

We were able to drop anchor at 5:30 PM. We secured and immediately headed to shore. Bailey needed to be walked, but more importantly I needed to walk to Publix for NyQuil, Pete has a cough that is troublesome once he lies down. We wanted to be back aboard before darkness fell. We made it with about 10 minutes to spare.
It was such a beautiful night, we ate in the cockpit, then just enjoyed the view.
Thursday, 1/16/20 ~ We are staying put today. We relaxed and read for most of the day. I got in a hour of exercise before joining Pete in the cockpit. It is a beautiful day with pleasant breezes, but that is going to change. As dusk fell the winds died, but they are due to return in just a few hours.

Pete spoke with Riviera Beach Marina. It will not be a problem to come in early. The plan is to be anchor up and heading out by 8 AM.
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K
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