Skies were overcast, winds light and crab floats . . . well, LOTS! South of Marathon, for miles, in waters measuring 18-25 feet deep, the water is loaded wtih the colorful floats. It makes navigation tricky as our "bread crumb line" squiggles like a drunken worm! They are a little more creative with the floats here in the Keys. There are the usual single collored or white, or colored balls with stripes, styrophoam balls with the licence numbers written somewhere on the ball. Some others have a large and a small, bi-colored, balls that sometimes look like colorful snowmen as the wave action makes them "stand up." Others have 2 balls on different lenght lines so they float about 3 feet from each other. I even saw one float that had other float also attached to it, floating about 3 - 4 feet apart from each other. The most unsusal was the floats with faces painted on them. The orange and red ones looked like pumpkins, while the white ones looked like clown faces. It was not easly to get a photo of them as when they bob in the waves, they also spin around.
The only buoys I could caputre are here below:

Even with the crab traps, we were doing a good 7.0 - 7.2 mph for our jorney today.
Bailey started today's trip with nervousness and shaking, After about an hour, I gave her one of the seditives the vet prescribed. It really didn't seem to take the edge off until we were 3/4 of the way down. Hopefully, she will feel better once we dock.
She has also been favoring her left leg, on and off, for most of the trip. Innitially, we thought it might be her hip, but when I look to see how she positions her leg when she is lying down, the left leg is extended and not bending at the "knee." Her vasculitis is also showing signs of a flair up. We will be checking in with the vet when we head north at the end of the month
Of course, we are still monitoring the predicted winds. They are now being foreccasted for Sunday at 25-35 mph! Included in the forcast are 2 fronts that are supposed to come through; one tonight around midnight and a second one due mid afternoon tomorrow. It was definately the right choice to head down today. Of course, the fans of the San Franscisco 49ers and of Kansas City Chiefs are also watching the weather for this Sunday as their teams will compete in Super Bowl 54 in Miami.
Shortly before our approach to Stock Island, we spotted another pod of dolphins. Since wour dolphin sightings are few and far between this trip, it really was exciting.
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Working yard next to Marina with SEA SHEPARD |

Pete called Jason, the rigger Deb and Hugh of SV SIMPLICITY recommended. He will call and try to get to PEKABU later today. Fingers crossed!
We docked aroung 2:30 with help from Kyle and Jonathan. Prior to docking, we were informed that we will be heading to C-20. However, they asked us to wait before entering the marina. They reassigned us to A-32. It is against the hotel bulkhead, right next to all the head boats. It is convienent, but we came down for the social aspect of the docks. When Pete went to the marina office, they discussed moving us.
Pete took advantage to run to the bank before the rigger showed at 4 pm. The will call before coming back to do the work. After a quick look and some discussion, the jib needs lubricant, the stanless protectors on the stays, have been glued (apparently, by the last rigger) Not good! and the boom need to be lowered as it is currently to ohigh. That might be the reason the mail furler us jammed with the sail. They discussed their schedule and they might be able to come back wither tomorrow, Sunday or Monday. Interesting!
Pete had some work projects to finish up and I took advantage of the cockpit to do some reading.
I heard the weather forecast on the news. Severe thunderstorms and heavy rains are predicted for tonight and into tomorrow. Winds are due on Sunday and we are well protected here.
I worked on finishing the blog and I am caught up! He took a nap which is very unsusal for him. Apparently, he did't sleep well last night, and the past two days were intense with work. It finally caught up with him.
We are in Key West!
Saturday, 2/1/20 ~ A very strong line of thunderstorms came though around 10 PM last night, with heavy winds, heavy lightening and loud thunder! The line extended from below The Dry Tortugas 3/4 up the state of Florida. Though some places had more of the storms than others; everywhere had their share. The rain was so hard and coming from out stern, that we had a leak from the front hatch. We know it sometimes leaks in rains from this direction when mixed with heavy winds and rains. I had already covered the forward bunk with plastic. The rain bands continued, just not quite as heavy, util about 4, but no more leaks. During the morning the winds were averaging 15-20, but increased to 25 by mid afternoon, when the second front came through.
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Note Pete's great hanging solution |
cleaned with Murphy's Oil Soap. Not bad for a day's work.
Today's weather and winds ~ (Winds in darker green are 25-30 and increase by 5 knots for each additional color. Purple is 50+)

Pete generously offered Rustica's Pizza for dinner,but I had already taken out franks to go with the last of the salads. Besides, the rains are still continuing.
We spent the evening watching more episodes of Star Trek: Discovery, then was able to rehand the shades as they were finally dry. Great way to top off a very productive day.
Sunday, 2/2/20 ~ The storms cleared out by midnight. The air was clear and fresh, and the winds gusted to 35 mph overnight, but it was great sleeping weather. Due to the winds, the boat gently rocked in our slip, protected a bit by the hotel.
It has been a while since laundry was done. I had planned to take it over after breakfast. Pete was great. He grabbed stuff to eat and departed for the laundry with the 2 loads. With extra time needed on the heavy, large white load, Pete didn't get back for 3 hours, but laundry is done and put away.
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Gathering of Flamingos |
It might have been cold on the waterfront, but being in the car, we quickly warmed up. We opted to Dairy Queen for a treat. Here in Key West, it is located quite a way away from Downtown and in a fairly residental area. There are only government buildings and one of the fire stations near by, Our sundaes were made like they used to be made. An inch of either hot fudge or strawberries were placed in the bottom of the cup, ice cream added, then another inch of toppings were added. All this for old fashioned pricing of $3.00 for Medium and $3.50 for large!
We headed back by 4:30. I wanted to make dinner and have us eat before the Super Bowl Game started at 6:20. Besides, it gave Pete the chance to watch some of the pre-game ceremonies. We didn't have anyone to watch it with since we had no neighbors to socialize with. Besides, now we could now get comfortable aboard.
It was a good game; teams evenly matched. We decided to root for Kansas City Chiefs as Andy Reid is their head coach. He had been with Philidelphia for years and both the team and the fans loved him. He has coached the Eagles to the Super Bowl, but never won one. Pete's Mom was rooting for the San Franisco 49ers, solely based on "49," the year she and Dad were married. There was a number of good, new commercials and a couple of "What was that's?" But, it was the game that was exciting. The teams alternated field goals and goals, but KC came from the rears and made 2 interceptions and 2 touchdowns in the last quarter. The final score waas KC 31 and SF 20.
OK. Now it is bedtime. 'Night all!
Monday, 2/3/20 ~ Well, I know that I did some heavy cleaning on Saturday. My back, hips and head are yelling at me. So, I was a lady of leisure today, but I did get stuff ready for the pump-out when Tyler came around. We were able to flush out the holding tank and since I had the water hose out for that, I topped off the water tank and Bailey's water containers.
Pete worked most of the day. He did speak with the Marina Office to remind them about our move to another dock. They called back in less than 20 minutes. We headed over to the original dock we had been assigned, C-20. Chase and Tyler were waiting to help us dock. Pete had a bit of a challenge in the narrow fairway and the squirelly winds, but we are now in our dock for the rest of the month.
We met Don and Paula of SV BLUE DAWN. She is a relpacement for another sailboat that perished during Hurricane Erma. They are in the process od tracking down leaks and cleaning up some mold. They have a larger sailboat up on Lake Michigan close to their home.
After dinner we sat up above and enjoyed the beatuiful weather and sunset. Someone here in the marina loves to herald the sunset with a conch horn. (Thinking of you, Martha!)
Tuesday, 2/4/20 ~ The exercize room for marina guests is uncergoing some renovations. According to Misty, in the office, it might not ever be an exercize room again. However, as guests, we are welcome to use the Hotel's gym if she puts our name on the list. At the Hotel's desk, I sign in and they give me a magnetic key for access, which I return after I am done. Works for me!
Today, I simply walked around the grounds. A lot has happened over the past year. DeLuna's Cafe has been torn down. They have moved into a truck and are now open for business at Boyd's Key West Campground about 1/2 mile from here. I know that they will do well. Everyone raves about the Cuban inspired breakfasts and lunches. In that area, which also housed the community gardens and the Guinea Hens' house, is now a beautiful second pool and the Barrel House BBQ, complete with a small, outdoor stage with grass viewing and games. The community gardens and the Ginea Hen House is now behind the Coconut Row Building, which is being remodeled. New docks have been added to both sides of Coconut Row. They have not been given the final inspection for use. Workers are still there during the day. They also made a decent sized parking outside of the gate for overflow and guests. All must have parking passes. The restuarants at the hotel, Matt's Stock Island Kitchen and Bar as well as the Salty Oyster Bar are still popular. In fact Matt's now has a Sunday Brunch.
New docks ~

View around new Barrel House BBQ ~

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Parade of the Guinea Hens heading back to the Coop |

Around 3 this afternoon, A familiar boat came in and docked behind us. George and MV DAWN, a motor cat, returned to Stock Island. We both were on this same dock last year. I look forward to catching up.
The Navy was busy today with lots of take offs and landings. Things quieted down until about 3:50 when it sounded as if the entire fleet took flight within 5 minutes. The roar was remarkable!
I had already started dinner, when a neighbor nocked. Tuesdays are "Docktails" or pot luck dinners. Even with such short notice, we were invited to join everyone gathering tonight for docktails. We visited with them for about a half hour and returned before dinner burned.
Wednesday, 2/5/20 ~ We were getting concerned. We are still waiting to hear from Jason, the rigger. He said he would be at the boat possibly last weekend. However, he did call and say that they would be over around noon.
I did my exercize and when I returned, the riggers arrived. Pete had o run a few errands, so I watched them from down below, where I was not only out of their way, but also cooler. When Pete returned, I headed over to take my shower up at the bath house. As I exited, I ran into Kate from MY STEADFAST. We had met last year during our visit. We will see about getting together again.

Checking the jammed mailsail, getting her free, then inspecting the rigging ~
Back to the Riggers: Jason and Dave. Dave is a hard core racer and helps out Jason during the winter when racing is suspended on Long Island. He is used to climbing the mast while "at sea." Our jammed main sail posed quite a problem. Slowly, but surely, they inched out the material. Jason told Pete that the boom is sitting to high, which allowed the main to fold upon itself. Now the lines are marked for heir proper position so it won't happen again. Once the main was fully free, the in-boom furling system was lubrecated, the anchor light replaced (but still not working; nor is the spreader lights, which Pete will investigate further) the windlass readjusted, and a line switched. Once back on deck, Dave freed up the turn buckles on the spreaders so that they could be cleaned and lubrecated, and new cotter pins to replace the old ones. Then he unflurled the jib, undid the furler and fully lubrecated that as well. Now it was time to tune the rigging. Pete went up to provide light as it was going on 8 PM when Dave finally finished. The sun set by 6:20! It was a long day, but well worth it for both PEKABU and the riggers. Everything that was done was done for a fare price and by very knowledgeable people.
Thrusday, 2/6/20 ~ We have company coming for the weekend. Ann and Howie will be down around 4 tomorrow. That meant that today was prep. Besides laundry and cleaning, I wanted to wash the area rugs. We also emptied out the aft cabin, which is our "basement/storage" We loaded it all into our car. Thankfully there was enought room. Pete also took time to scrubb the hull and topsides so PEKABU looks pretty! There was also some last minute groceries to be picked up.
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Jellyfish in the boat reflection Spotted on my way to the laundry |
Friday, 2/7/20 ~ We had the usual last minute staightening, etc., but had time for Pete to wrap up some work and for me to read up in the cockpit.
We spemt time catching up after Ann and Howie arrived, but soon, we all were hungry. We opted for Rustica's for dinner. Instead of pizza, we had delicious individual dinners of lasagna, clams and linguini, and lobster ravioli.
Once back, we talked until we started to get sleepy. It was time to say goodnight.
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K
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