Sunday, March 29, 2020

To Daytona Anchorage ~

Sunday, 3/29/20 ~ We were able to drop the mooring ball around 8:30.  Once again we passed a pod of dolphins heading up to Haulover Canal.  As we approached, we learned that the bridge was stuck in the down position.  Crews were working to repair it.  There were 4 boats ahead of us anchored in the canal.  We became boat number 5.  The bottom is quite scoured, but Pete was able to finally get the anchor to set.  There were 3 other boats including SV HAPPY TRAILS anchored behind us.  Thankfully, we only had a 40-minute wait.  We did see a mother and baby manatee along the shoreline as well as a number of fishermen casting from shore. 

Two of the multiple islands on the Indian River that are rookeries for a number of birds. I have seen Herring Gulls, Brown Pelicans, Great Blue Herons, Green Herons,White Egrets, Wood Storks,  Double crested Cormorants, and the pink birds are Roseate Spoonbills. ~


The Haulover Bridge was broken ~  and the crew that did the repairs ~

     As we cleared Haulover Canal, we turned north, and everyone let out their jibs to make use of the great breezes and make up time. We sailed up Mosquito Lagoon and partially through the fishing camps before the winds changed direction. 


Our entertainment in New Smyrna,
as we waited for the bridge
     Once again, there were lots of recreational boaters on the water.  We were passed by HAPPY TRAILS as well as some of the other sailboats once the sail was down.  Since we have less power and shorter waterlines, we were not able to make the opening of the Munson Bridge.  We missed it by about 3 minutes, so we just held position for the half hour and made the next opening. 

Enjoying the water from their boats ~

     We were able to drop anchor in Daytona around 4 PM.  As we searched for a place to anchor, Pete noticed on the GPS and Sonar Charts, that this area has dramatically changed as far a depths.  A lot of shifting has occurred and is not documented.  As a result, we had to anchor about ¾ mile from the park where Pete walks Bailey.  
     Once anchored, the wind temperature noticeably dropped.  The clouds formed a dramatic line of distinction between clear sky and light clouds.  I have never seen such a straight and long line.  After dinner above, we settled in for the night.


~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

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