Saturday, December 24, 2022

Week 14 / Week 8 in Ft. Pierce, with Christmas in NJ and PA

Sunday, 12/18/22 ~ Saturday, 12/24/22

The morning fog ~

     We really enjoy our friends here on I-Dock. We had another Taco Tuesday, that morphed into a BBQ Ribs evening. There was some great salads and munchies to accompany 3 different types of ribs. There was also a birthday cake for Charlie, along with the appropriate song.


     Gifts were wrapped, and the clothes washed, packed and the car loaded. We were up at 2 AM Friday morning and were under way for our Christmas visit with the kids and grandkids. It is so hard getting up at that ungodly hour, but it is worth it to miss all the traffic spots at Jacksonville, Savanna, Charleston, Richmond, Washington, DC and Baltimore. Surprisingly, traffic was a bit heavier than usual, but moved. We had to stop more than normal to let Tillie stretch and take care of business. As we traveled north, we watched the temperatures fall throughout the day and the winds start to howl. When we left at 2:30 AM, the temp in Fort Pierce was 73 and the winds still. By the time we arrived at Jenn and Greg’s in NJ around 9 PM, the temperature was 15 with a windchill of -14 degrees. BURR!!! Thank heavens for car heater, heavy coats and audio books! They make the 18 hour drive bearable. We were tired, and glad to stationary for a while.
   The cold remained in place both her in the Northeast as well as in Florida. Fort Pierce welcomed Christmas with “Falling Iguanas” (they die in the cold) and temps in the low 30’s. Everyone on the dock remained below with the heat on and lots of warm clothes and blankets for the better part of a week.

     We enjoyed relaxing and spending time with Greg and Jenn. Greg treated us to great breakfast and delicious coffee on the mornings when Jenn taught classes. Of their 3 cats, the two younger ones, Nala and JoJo, hid the whole time we are there. Buns, literally #1 Cat, always wants to meet her guests. Tillie was no exception. Of course, Tillie wanted to play. Buns simply let her approach to about 18 inches, then gently hissed and swatted the air close to Tillie. For the rest of our visit, Tillie honored Buns’ 18-inch force field!



 Tillie and Buns made their peace and helped Jenn and Greg relax after a busy Christmas!
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~   K & P

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