Monday, November 27, 2017

Vero Beach to Fort Pierce, FL

Today:    15 miles, 2 hours, ICW, St. M 966
Total:     1198.2 miles, 160.5 hours

     Debbie invited us for breakfast.  She made great breakfast sandwiches.  I wish I had remembered to take the banana nut bread out of the freezer last night.  Hopefully, Mike and Deb will enjoy it over the next few mornings.  Once again Bailey got quite a few of her new treats.  I know she would gladly go wherever Debbie goes. Talk about disloyal crew!
     By 9:15 we said our final good-byes and headed out.  It was a short day.  It is a bit incomprehensible to be at our destination after just 2 hours. It was an easy ride with the current.  We did get behind 7 other sailboats. Unfortunately, the last four in front of us kept varying their speed between 5 and 6, while the current had our cruising speed at 7.8.  Since we would have to wait at the bridge for everyone to catch up, we just moseyed along at their speed.  After all, it was just a 2-hour ride.
     Once docked, Pete spent most of the day working.  I did some reading and a lot of writing for the blog.  I kind of fell off the writing wagon. I also called the Vet for additional medication for Bailey’s ear.  Things are getting worse.  When we see him in the spring, he will reevaluate medications and the possibility of a biopsy.  We just feel bad for her.
  I am constantly awed by the minute to minute changes in lighting with sunrises and sunsets. Only 2 minutes separated these two photos!

View towards the sunset 3 minutes later
     Originally, we figured we would just push on to Riviera Beach.  However, with the close timing of the bridges today, we don’t want to arrive to the marina after dark and after they close. With the strong currents and narrow fairways, we decided to arrive tomorrow afternoon, after a slightly shorter ride, sunlight and deck hands available.  One more day of travel and then we will stay put for a while.

~~~ /) ~~ K & P

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