Pete worked a
good deal of the day. At the helm, I waited 25 minutes for the half hour
opening of the Central Bridge, not knowing they were on demand on weekends.
DUHH!!! It was an interesting trip north.
I saw a new graduate skiing ( in cap and gown), turkey vulture imitating cormorant (wings spread
while on a fallen tree) and an osprey imitating a duck (washing herself by ducking
her body into the water then shaking it off), a tree stump with flowers as well
as small turtles on fallen logs. We joined 6 other boats had waiting at the Southern RR Bridge by the Gilmerton Bridge. There was a very long train that was already transiting the
bridge at a slow pace. Then an additional 10+ minutes to raise the RR Bridge
before they could raise the Gilmerton.
With so many boats held up by the train, the
Tidewater deck hands were busy with all the boats needing to dock. We asked for out slip assignment and docked ourselves.
~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K
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