Saturday, May 9, 2020

St Johns to Georgetown

     Our original plan was to wait until after the 9 am opening and pull into Isle of Palms (only 3.5 hours away) for the night, as both the Wapoo Creek and The Ben Sawyer have opening restrictions.  That would also lessen the travel hours to out next spot, Georgetown. When attempting to make reservations, there was no dockage available at Isle of Palms and we are on the wait list for Tyler's Cove. The Beaches, restaurants with outdoor seating will open up today, which probably explains the full marinas. After some plotting, discussion, and planning, it was decided to make the Wapoo before 7 am and clear The Ben Sawyer before 9, when the hourly openings begin. So . . . .
          We left St John's at 5:45 am and cleared the Wapoo by 6:30. It was a cloudy morning so sun rise was a nonevent, but shortly thereafter the sun peeked out for a while.  The temp when we left was 63 degrees. However, once on the Ashley River, the 20+ mph winds from the north appeared and the temp quickly fell to 50, but felt like a raw 46! We bundled in extra layers and put up the enclosure. What a difference!
    We went through Isle of Palms and McClellenville at high and mid-rise, but at dead low, there would have been some tricky spots.
    The skies cleared, and we enjoyed this beautiful stretch of the ICW. The current was against us for a greater part of the day, which I guess you could say, gave us more time to enjoy the scenery.
     Since we arrived around 5:30, the Marina office had closed. We were told to tie up on the inside of the face dock to the west.  As we approached, SV HAPPY TRAILS was also tied up at the end of the dock! 
     Once docked, I took Bailey for her walk. Kathy & Mike had returned from their bike ride and were talking with Pete.  Their plans for the Great Loop are probably being delayed a year. The Corona Virus 19 restrictions have delayed lock repairs in Northern New York so they are reassessing their options.

Both Kathy and I totally enjoyed tonight's sunset!

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K

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