Total: 209.2 miles 34.55 hours
Rumor had it that there might be heavy fog again this morning. Thankfully, the fog was minimal and did not delay our departure. Pete had an extremely busy day the needed to start by 8 AM. That meant we had to be away from the dock by 7:50. We made it. I was at the helm while Pete worked.
Pete was able to extend our stay at Coinjock and move the reservation for Belhaven. We know we made the right decision for us.
About 4 miles south of North Landing Bridge is a 65-foot highway bridge. The Two sailboats in front of us had 60-ft + air draft. Currently, a crew is painting the bridge and have nets suspended below the deck. One of the boats sustained some damage after snagging a net. There was no notice to mariners regarding this bridge.
The Air Force had a number of fighters flying in tandem as well as a huge, C5A Galaxy that flew over North Landing River. Always impressive.
It was a beautiful ride, temps in the 70’s and no breezes until midafternoon.
Pete was so focused on work that I scared the bejesus out of him when he looked up and saw a barge about 20 feet from our port. I got yelled at by not giving him a heads up. I couldn’t believe that 3 tugs with barges would pass us north bound on Currituck Sound.
Pete had a series of back-to-back conference calls starting at 2 PM. We secured ourselves to the face docks on the western side of Coinjock’s with 4 minutes to spare. We didn’t have time to fuel up before the calls, so we will probably do it once the eastern docks are vacated tomorrow, then return to our slot. By being on the western side they won’t have to keep moving us.
I worked on the blog as well as some photos, both of which are on my phone. With the layover, I should be able to post our 1st week’s cruising to the blog! At least that is the plan.
Pete finally packed up his 11-hour, INTENSE, workday. I won’t be surprised when he crashes and burns after dinner.
Saturday, 10/16/21~ Coinjock Day 2
Bailey woke Pete up at 7:15, yacking. She didn't bring up much, but really had to go. She is in another flair up and it isn't pleasant. The Vasculitis flares up without warning, and affects her digestive track the most. She is one the maximum medications, which hopefully help, but she is getting worse. The doctor thinks that it is probably also the cause of her weakening hind quarters. She is still so loveable, when she isn't being dumb. She turned 11 this summer. Periodically that puppy shows up to play, just not very long.
Since we are staying here for the next few days, it does not pay to stay an extra night in Belhaven (our next stop) so we can do a small provisioning run and laundry. So…Pete was extremely lucky to get an Uber. There was only one driver showing on the screen and he took the request. As they were heading to the Food Lion, he told Pete that he dropped off a customer in Nags Head from Norfolk and just turned around. He figured he could make his trip here a bit more worth his while by doing a local pick-up. The problem for Pete is that he probably will not be able to get a ride back. YUP, that’s a big problem! No way could he walk the 8+ miles. . . even without the groceries! The driver offered to get lunch while Pete shopped. Pete simply texted him when he was done. He then dropped Pete off here at the marina before heading back to Norfolk, with a REALLY NICE tip! Talk about lucky!!!
It was another beautiful day. Sunny with just a few clouds, winds from the SSW averaging 10-15 here, but the WINDY App was reporting winds on Albemarle in the 20-25 mph with higher gusts. All the boats left the marina except for large motor yacht. We were on the western shore, but since we needed fuel, we were invited over the eastern side for fuel, access to laundry and the restaurant, which we plan on visiting tomorrow night. (I already reserved 2 servings of the prime rib for tomorrow, which is required to insure they don’t run out of their specialty.) We are the second boat from the south, just behind MV LION’S PRIDE, a beautiful Outer Reef 75, which currently happens to be for sale. The photos are wonderful. It would make a wonderful live aboard, I just don’t know if we want to send $1.7 million and then still have all that fuel to pay for!
There was lots of traffic on the ICW to watch. Some sailboats headed out early to make the Albemarle crossing or to hunker down in an anchorage. Amy passed by and said “hi” around 4, continuing on to anchor off of Hooper Island. There might have bee one or 2 smaller motor vessels that bypassed the marina, but the dock here was filled by about 5 with larger motorboats, two of which exceeded 80 feet!
I got sidetracked after Pete left, realizing there were a few items on the list that required refrigeration. No problem with the space, but I needed to change the defrosted, gallon, bottle of water for a frozen one. Unfortunately, I could not get the bottle out of the ice box due to ice build-up. That meant that I had to defrost the freezer and its companion refrigerator. Those wonderful self-defrosting ones in homes are not suitable for boats due to the power drain. This involved packing a couple of thermal bags with ice and the contents of the refrigerator, waiting for the ice to melt in the freezer (into the bottom of the fridge), empty the water, clean everything, dry everything, restart the freezer and fridge so it begins to cool down, then reload. About a 3–4-hour chore. The good news, it won’t have to be done for another month or so.
Then I went to do the laundry. Coinjock Marina has 2 really good washers and 2 really hot driers, but absolutely no place to put the clothes once done. I carried small amounts of clothes outside the 8x6-foot room to our wagon, where I was able to fold and place in the laundry bags to be sorted back at the boat.
Pete was a real help by doing the cleaning, drying and restarting of the fridge/freezer. I did leave the laundry once I placed both loads in the driers so put the stuff back into place. I made it back just in time to fold clothes.
We sat up above for a while reading before it was time to eat. Since there were leftovers, tonight was a perfect time to eat them, freeing up space for the newly acquired items.
After dinner, we finished up the fourth episode of Star Trek: Discovery’s third season. Since we can’t get it on TV, we bought the discs. It’s great when we feel like watching something special.
Around 7 PM, the winds which had calmed for the past 2 hours, suddenly picked up to15-20 out of the NNW. The front was coming though and so was the rains. When Pete went to walk Bailey at 10:30 PM, it was cold, raw and windy. The temps had dropped to the mid 60's but the wind made it feel like low 50's.
Sunday, 10/17/21 ~ Coinjock Day 3
A 38-foot Hunter Passage, SV NORTH STAR, is now docked behind us. They came in around 10 this morning, having slept very little on the anchor due to the winds last night. Bill and Mary are making their first trip south, and, after talking for a bit, we invited them to join us for dinner at the restaurant. We already made our reservations for the Prime Rib, but could not make reservations for a time for a small party. It was suggested we come after 6 as there are 2, large, parties of 10 with reservations for 5 and 5:30.
I continued to work on the photos and thought I had the problems solved. After dinner, when I tried to load them, I only get an error message. I think I will post the blog without photos, but with a note explaining and hopefully posting them shortly to the blog. I have no idea why is it always a challenge when I modify something for the blog!!! Grrrr, again!!! I guess I will be dropping Blogspot an email requesting help with the iPhone photos.
There was lots of traffic on the ICW to watch. Some sailboats headed out early to make the Albemarle crossing or to hunker down in an anchorage. Amy passed by and said “hi” around 4, continuing on to anchor off of Hooper Island. There might have bee one or 2 smaller motor vessels that bypassed the marina, but the dock here was filled by about 5 with larger motorboats, two of which exceeded 80 feet!
I got sidetracked after Pete left, realizing there were a few items on the list that required refrigeration. No problem with the space, but I needed to change the defrosted, gallon, bottle of water for a frozen one. Unfortunately, I could not get the bottle out of the ice box due to ice build-up. That meant that I had to defrost the freezer and its companion refrigerator. Those wonderful self-defrosting ones in homes are not suitable for boats due to the power drain. This involved packing a couple of thermal bags with ice and the contents of the refrigerator, waiting for the ice to melt in the freezer (into the bottom of the fridge), empty the water, clean everything, dry everything, restart the freezer and fridge so it begins to cool down, then reload. About a 3–4-hour chore. The good news, it won’t have to be done for another month or so.
Then I went to do the laundry. Coinjock Marina has 2 really good washers and 2 really hot driers, but absolutely no place to put the clothes once done. I carried small amounts of clothes outside the 8x6-foot room to our wagon, where I was able to fold and place in the laundry bags to be sorted back at the boat.
Pete was a real help by doing the cleaning, drying and restarting of the fridge/freezer. I did leave the laundry once I placed both loads in the driers so put the stuff back into place. I made it back just in time to fold clothes.
We sat up above for a while reading before it was time to eat. Since there were leftovers, tonight was a perfect time to eat them, freeing up space for the newly acquired items.
After dinner, we finished up the fourth episode of Star Trek: Discovery’s third season. Since we can’t get it on TV, we bought the discs. It’s great when we feel like watching something special.
Around 7 PM, the winds which had calmed for the past 2 hours, suddenly picked up to15-20 out of the NNW. The front was coming though and so was the rains. When Pete went to walk Bailey at 10:30 PM, it was cold, raw and windy. The temps had dropped to the mid 60's but the wind made it feel like low 50's.
Sunday, 10/17/21 ~ Coinjock Day 3
A 38-foot Hunter Passage, SV NORTH STAR, is now docked behind us. They came in around 10 this morning, having slept very little on the anchor due to the winds last night. Bill and Mary are making their first trip south, and, after talking for a bit, we invited them to join us for dinner at the restaurant. We already made our reservations for the Prime Rib, but could not make reservations for a time for a small party. It was suggested we come after 6 as there are 2, large, parties of 10 with reservations for 5 and 5:30.
Pete sat up above and worked on invoices. I worked down below trying to figure out what the problem is with loading my photos to the blog, All the entries are caught up and just waiting for the photos! Grrrr!!!
We met up with Mary and Bill at 6 PM. There was no problem getting seated as there were at least 6 tables empty. However, something must have happened to our waitress. We were never approached even for a drink order. After waiting over 50 minutes, there were no seating available and the wait staff was running full out. We watched folks who came in after us being served their entrées. We finally asked another server to find our waitress. He went to check, but came back and offered to take care of us. We didn't mind too much as the company was great and the conversation was non stop. The Crab Dip was served with home make Pita chips and was outstanding, The Prime Rib was unbelievable and worth the wait. It was huge and delicious. I couldn't finish my steak and never touched my baked potato. Guess what is for lunch tomorrow!
We met up with Mary and Bill at 6 PM. There was no problem getting seated as there were at least 6 tables empty. However, something must have happened to our waitress. We were never approached even for a drink order. After waiting over 50 minutes, there were no seating available and the wait staff was running full out. We watched folks who came in after us being served their entrées. We finally asked another server to find our waitress. He went to check, but came back and offered to take care of us. We didn't mind too much as the company was great and the conversation was non stop. The Crab Dip was served with home make Pita chips and was outstanding, The Prime Rib was unbelievable and worth the wait. It was huge and delicious. I couldn't finish my steak and never touched my baked potato. Guess what is for lunch tomorrow!
We walked back to the boat around 9 and said good night to Mary and Bill. They are going to check if they can add another day's stay and travel with us for a while. They are also going to be in Fort Pierce, but out on the inlet. This should be a fun trip for both of us!
Monday,19/18/21 ~ Coinjock Day 4
After breakfast, Pete started his work day. I was able to exercise, and have a great phone visit with our son, Chris. Pete had a break after the 1 PM conference call, so he did our pre travel check on the engine. The fluid levels remain where they should. He checked with Bill for the travel time tomorrow, (11.5 - 12 hours) and suggested that they make reservations for Belhaven, and Morehead City for the next two nights.
I continued to work on the photos and thought I had the problems solved. After dinner, when I tried to load them, I only get an error message. I think I will post the blog without photos, but with a note explaining and hopefully posting them shortly to the blog. I have no idea why is it always a challenge when I modify something for the blog!!! Grrrr, again!!! I guess I will be dropping Blogspot an email requesting help with the iPhone photos.
Well, it will be a very early start tomorrow, so I better shut down.
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ K & P
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ K & P
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