Saturday, November 30, 2019

~ Stay in Fort Pierce ~ Week 2

Sunday, 11/24/19 ~  Heavy rains came in again last night, but they weren't strong enough to clean all the birds' berry droppings staining the deck. 
     Thankfully the skies cleared by the time Pete left to join Al and Vicky for dinner which was made from shrimp purchased at the Farmers Market yesterday. The garlic shrimp was delicious, catching up with friends, and watching a wonderful sunset rounded out a really great weekend!

Monday, 11/25/19 ~ The mechanic came this morning.  As soon as he looked at the alternator/regulator he spotted a problem.  The wire was attached improperly.  He also identified a cracked bracket and arm which supports the unit.  He also checked the engine mounts, and found them cracked. (Pete has asked all the mechanics over the past 2 years to check them, but this is the first report of damage.)  The generator still needs to be looked at, but the mechanic will address that when he installs the new bracket for the alt/reg.
     After the mechanic left, Pete was able to track down the perpetual salt-water leak that is seeping in under the stairs.  Then it was time to clean his tools, a number of which the mechanic borrowed as they weren't in his truck.
     Lunch and dinner was sandwiches made out of the delicious shrimp dip/salad Pete picked up at the Farmer's market yesterday.  Pete is really enjoying it!  Work and reading fill out his afternoon, then it was time to watch Monday night football. Or rather listen with 1/4 ear as the book was so much better.

Tuesday, 11/26/19 ~ The mechanic returned today, just to check the heavy duty bracket he made for the alt/reg to make sure it will fit.  He will be back when he has all the parts he needs to finish up aboard PEKABU.
     When he left, Pete took the bike over to Publix to pick up the rest of the provisions needed until he has access to a car. The 2+ mile ride each was wasn't a problem. . . until the tire went flat.  He needed to repair it with the bike loaded with groceries behind the seat and the small thermos bad holding the ice cream attached to the handle bars. The repair worked and as he was returning to the marina, someone stepped out onto the street, almost into Pete.  It was a miss, but as Pete started to continue, he turned and realized he knew that face.  He turned around and met up with Hugh and Deb from SV SIMPLICITY.  They had dropped anchor across the ICW and were in town exploring.  With perishables, he had to keep their visit short and return back to the boat.
     Today was my sister's last radiation treatment. Following tradition, she rang the bell 3 times and applause could be heard through out the clinic.  Fingers crossed that this round of heavy cranial radiation does what it should.  She won't have initial results for a a month or so.
     On our way home from the clinic, we ran some errands. When we came home we found a Chicken Picatta dinner dropped off by one of Deb's co-workers. It was delicious.

Wednesday, 11/27/19 ~ Pete and George had a very busy day.  Things had to be wrapped up prior to the long Thanksgiving weekend.
     I headed out around 10 am to Heather's.  She was off today and I wanted to beat the super heavy traffic that always happens the afternoon, the day before Thanksgiving.  Smart move as there was no traffic all the way there.  My only delay was for the the utility company replacing some overhead lines.  Who am I to complain about a 10 minute delay?!
     Thank heavens for Bluetooth. En route I was able to catch up with my good friend, Deb. They are aboard SV SIMPLICITY currently in Port Canaveral for the next few months. Hopefully, after the New Year all four of us will be able to get together.
     Since I was early, I was able to get to an urgent care facility not far from Heather's.  The folks at AFC were wonderful.  The doctor was thorough and laid out the options for treating my rosacea.  This outbreak continue to worsen. Unfortunately, I have used most of the prescription topicals and oral antibiotics, which are usually first line of treatment, I can't use as my system can not tolerate them. She prescribed a topical I have used successfully in the past. Hopefully, it will work.
      Once back at Heather's we decided to head over to Carucci's Grill over in Yardley, PA for a delicious Italian dinner.  We enjoyed stuffed mushrooms, fresh pita bread and salad, then Heather had Tortellini Bolognese while I had Eggplant Arnaud ~ very thin, breaded eggplant, pan fried, then rolled with mozzarella and ricotta cheese and topped with marinara sauce. We were too full to try any of the deserts, but those that were served at other tables, looked wonderful.
     Back at the apartment, we continued to talk and watch  "the boys" antics.
     After reheating one of the 35 frozen meals I sent down with him, Pete prepared the veggies that he will serve with dip and hummus for Thanksgiving with the Freedmans.

Thursday, 11/28/19 ~  Howie picked up Pete around 10 to head back to Delray Beach to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family.
     Heather and I watched to Thanksgiving Day Parade. The acts were OK, the floats - unremarkable, and the winds required the balloons to be kept close to the ground, but 3 commercials really made our day. They were better than the Super Bowl's:
  ~~   Microsoft is offering voice, language translation software.  In the commercial, a girl sees her mom conversing with clients in Japan and the software making the necessary translations. That night, looking out her window she sees reindeer.  She grabs her mom's computer, greets the reindeer and asks if they can speak.  The translation comes back "yes" and she proceeds to fire away a bunch of important questions. "How do you fly? How can Santa deliver to everyone in one night? Does Mrs Clause really cook that good?"  and more in rapid fire succession!
   ~~  Chick A-Filet has an animation where a young girls request for building a snow man was not well received by her family.  Following 2 strange cats, she enters a hall clock and emerges in a work shoppe where an old man is fixing clocks. Lost Time and Time Flies clocks are seen.  He gives her a card to give her family. When she give it to them. "Sharing time is the greatest gift of all" Yep! They built a snow man.
   ~~ The longest was a 4 minute Comcast ad.  In it kids build a snow man and from behind it appears, E.T.  He is looking for Elliot, who is their father.  The mix of the movie and the commercial was pretty special.
     Heather and I headed over to Jenn and Greg's for dinner.  Greg did a great job on the brined turkey. Jenn made delicious corn souffle, sausage stuffing, potatoes and beans, while we brought a winter salad, a bottle of wine, and freshly baked apple and pumpkin pies.  It was a wonderful dinner. The only thing missing was Pete!
     This morning Pete and Howie played 9 holes of golf.  They returned back to the house where Tania, Andrew, Cookie and Cliff joined Ann, Howie and Pete for a wonderful dinner.  There too, they spread out the food preparation among them and everyone had a great time and delicious meal!
     Around 9 PM, Heather and I returned to her place, while Pete returned to the boat in Fort Pierce. Once back Pete and I shared our day. Thank heavens for phones!

Friday, 11/29/19 ~  Heather took "the boys" for their first veterinary visit. They are typical 9 month old kittens, but did very well at the vet's.
Heather's Tree
     Once home, I helped Heather put up her tree. The cats were still traumatized by the car ride and the visit, so they hid in the bedroom for most of the afternoon.  That gave us plenty of time to decorate without them underfoot. Greg and Jenn also put up their tree, but Nala was so intrigued that she climbed into the tree and toppled it.  Pete also got into the spirit and took our tree out of the front storage area, unrolled it (It is a 2 dimensional tree already loaded with red bows and red and blue small Christmas balls.) and hung it.  He wants me to "fluff" and decorated it when I return. (Which, hopefully, will be soon!)
     Dinner was another BLT Pizza.  It is sooo good! and it will be a while before we visit Heather again. After wards, we watched the movie, Hacksaw Ridge, the biographical WW 2 drama about a conscientious objector who refused to carry a weapon, Desmond Doss, a medic, received the Congressional Medal of Honor. During the battle of Okinawa, our troops were ordered to withdraw from the Ridge, but Doss stay behind, carrying 78 wounded soldiers and belaying them by rope down from the ridge.  I remember when it came out, it received lots of accolades.  Now I know why!
     Pete spent the morning writing out Christmas cards. In the afternoon he enjoyed the quiet, read up in the cockpit and spoke with most people who walked by.  He has told them that he has a wife, but he is pretty sure they don't believe him.

Saturday, 11/30/19 ~ I really enjoyed my time with Heather, but I need to return to Debi. I left in the AM so that traffic was light.  They are already posting "Travel/Snow Advisories" along the highways.  An unpredictable storm is forming in the Atlantic that will merge with one traveling up the east coast.  High winds and 3-6 inches are due late Sunday and into Monday in northern Jersey.
     Once back at Debi's, we chilled and watched some Hallmark Christmas Movies. Dinner was leftovers from the Thanksgiving Dinner that Chelsea's boyfriend, Matt, had prepared.
     Pete took advantage of the Farmer's Market before biking over to the the gas station for dinghy gas.  On the way back the bracket for the basket broke holding the gas can.  Thank heavens for bungee cords. He made it back with nothing lost or damaged.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K

Saturday, November 23, 2019

~ Stay in Fort Pierce ~ Week 1

Passage Weather page
for tomorrow's forecast
Sunday, 11/17/19 ~  There has been much chatter on Facebook as well as on the radio about the storm hugging the east coast today and tomorrow.  Most of the coast is under high wind warnings. Seas are predicted to be substantial, 20-30 feet off shore.  We watched the formation of the storm via Passage Weather.  It is a great website that we have been using for years as it not only shows wind, but wave heights and action including the Gulf Stream. We have had to adjust the time back 5 hours for EST instead of Greenwich Mean Time, and adjust to feet instead of meters.
     Pete put in a couple of hours for a rush project for work. He visited Tillman's Famous BBQ, close to the marina. It was delicious and there is enough for tomorrow night's dinner. Football and a good book rounded out the day.

Monday, 11/18/19 ~ Here in NJ, we woke to temps in the 30's and brisk winds.  In FLA, Pete had heavy fog and temperatures in the 40's, rising into the 50's, not typical for this part of Florida.
     In between work projects, Pete checked the local stores and found a Publix about 2 miles away. No problem riding there and back, but he will be limited on what and how much he buys.  He is building his shopping list.
      While walking up the dock, Pete met the owners of a Katie Krogan 48.  On their way south off the Jersey coast, the heavy seas caused the boat to pound into the waves. It caused a lot of damage to the cove molding joints. Much of the wood will have to be replaced.
     Pete has been periodically checking the battery compartment.  Today, when he check, he found that the compartment top and sides were warm.  He checked and topped off the batteries, which will be checked daily.  There is an Interstate Battery store not too far from the marina. He will watch and see if they need replacement.  It is another thing to put on the repair list.
      He enjoyed the BBQ for an early dinner.  Once completed he sat up in the cockpit, one of his new neighbors invited him to join them for dinner. 

Tuesday, 11/19/19 ~  It was a beautiful day. Temps were in the low 70's mild breezed and sunny. Pete took advantage and rode over to the Post Office to mail off a commemorative on-the-rocks glass Paul left on the boat.
      While putting a few hours for work, Pete had a call from the marina office.  They would like to reposition 5 boats to make room for a larger boat due in tomorrow.  PEKABU is one of the boats that moved. Now she sits at the bottom of the ramp leading to the facilities.  It is perfect for meeting all our dock mates.  They all walk by and say. "Hi!'  It is also more convenient for Pete as he is not using the on board head since the marina has no pump out facility at present.  Since PEKABU is docked across the current, the only safe time to leave the dock is at slack tide, which will make timing to get pump outs challenging.
       Like I said, this is great positioning for meeting people.  Pete has already had 5 invites for Thanksgiving.  Ann and Howie put in their request a month ago, so Pete will be heading to Delray Beach. However, he has also been invited to join SIMPLICITY in Cape Canaveral, the cruisers pot-luck here at the marina,  Join a few of the cruisers for drinks before the pot-luck and another to join the 3 retired servicemen, who are cooking a Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time.
     While Pete and I were catching up on things around 4, another dock mate stopped and asked if Pete needed anything at Publix.  I was left rather abruptly as he got his bags and joined her for the car ride over!
     Once back and groceries put away, Pete enjoyed the Hungry Man Turkey Dinner.

Wednesday, 11/20/19 ~ Today was a quiet day, Pete scrubbed all the salt off the boat and the enclosure.  While topside, Pete saw a manatee and a flock of pelicans who love hanging around the marina.
Pete's Mom, Victoria
& The Tree!
     Pete found out that they weren't kidding about the current.  In incoming tide will pin the boat against the dock while the outgoing keeps the dock lines ridged.  Our fenders will probably need to be replaced due to the abuse.
     This past weekend Pete's bother and family visited their Mom.  They had a wonderful visit and put up a smaller, but full-sized tree.  Everyone there has been coming in to comment on it's beauty.  Earlier today, Mom got on her scooter, planning to join friends for lunch, when a wheel of the scooter hooked the electrical line for the tree lights.  Apparently, the tree took offence and attacked Mom!  She had to call for help to get the tree off of her.  We wouldn't be surprised if next year, prior to Thanksgiving, a memo is sent around to all the residents in nursing care that all Christmas trees must be small and placed on furniture.
Thursday, 11/21/19 ~ After work Pete again was sitting up above and received a invite for dinner.  He had to turn it down again as dinner was heating on the stove.  He is really enjoying the interaction with everyone. He will make sure that he delays dinner when sitting above.  This way he can accept a dinner offer that may come his way.
     Debi saw the oncologist today.  There is some good news: the disease was only found in the brain fluid.  There are no masses.  The original tumor is nothing but scar tissue. Doctor is investigating clinical trials and other therapies, including immunotherapy.  There will be a meeting with all the thorasic oncologist from Sloan Kettering to discuss Debi's therapy options.  We will meet after Thanksgiving to discuss the next steps. Through out all of this Debi has had tremendous love and support from family, friends and co-workers. Even with the periods of upset, she continues to have a very positive attitude.

Friday, 11/22/19 ~ Pete had a beautiful day to simply relax, while we here in NJ had cold, rain and 3 doctor appointments,
Marilyn, Jon, Pete,
 Vicky & Al
     Pete spoke with Al and Vicky of SV OHANNA KAI, who are in another marina her in Fort Pierce and Marilyn and Jon of SV ESCAPADE, who live up the road in Vero Beach.  Plans were made for tomorrow to meet for lunch.  Pete is looking forward to seeing everyone.

Saturday, 11/23/19 ~ Pete met Al and Vicky at our marina. Saturday morning is the large farmer's market. Organic vegetables and fruits, baked goods, fresh juices, flowers, and home-made candies are available.  There is also a huge craft area. Pete bought shrimp dip/spread, cinnamon raisin bread, and some fruits.  Vicky had to leave perishables in our refridge while she continued to shop.  Once done at the market, they went back to OHANNA KAI to put thing aboard and then meet Jon and Marilyn for a late lunch. Everyone had a great time.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Travel Day 21 ~ Melbourne to Fort Pierce FL

     Shortly after departure, the sun disappeared and the cold winds increased. Showers came intermittently and the skies were heavily overcast. Pete was glad he had the "Ambrosia Enclosure," as he has taking to calling it.
     Sebastian Inlet has a lot of small boat traffic.  The big boats heading south were very considerate of the cruisers as well as the locals.  Thankfully, PEKABU picked up speed with the currents south of the inlet.
     He arrived at Fort Pierce around 4.  Surprisingly, he was placed on a T-Dock.  It has a great view to the east and the ICW, just a long walk to the facilities. The cruisers on another boat helped Pete with the single-handed docking.  Since he had already set the lines for docking, all they had to do was reach on the deck for the lines.
     Once secure, Pete's USCG, fleece jacket started a conversation.  The 3 of them were retired Navy and USCG.  Told him to stop by when he has a chance.
     PEKABU will be staying here for the next 2 months. Pete is happy to be staying put for a while.  We were hoping Bailey and I would be joining him soon, but we are now in a holding pattern, waiting to find out what Debi's next steps will be.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

Friday, November 15, 2019

Travel Day 20 ~ Titusville to Melbourne, FL

     As was the plan for yesterday, Pete was up and cast off by 7 am, so that he could drop the keys to the marina into the net held by the dock hands as he passed the fuel dock.
    Once on the Halifax River the currents were definitely against him.  For the first half of the day he was only doing 6.2-6.4 mph. He had to take a conference call while under way, keeping the boat in neutral during the call.  During the second have of today's travel, the current gods were much kinder. He was cruising at 8.5 + mph.  The favorable current allowed him to get to the Eau Dallie Yacht Basin a good 90 minutes earlier than he had planned.
     Eau Dallie Yacht Basin is a new marina to us.  We never realized that it was here. We had seen it mentioned a couple of times on Bob 423's Waterway guide of the ICW.  It is nothing fancy, but it is a deep, well protected harbor and working yard.  The staff is friendly and the cost is very reasonable; only a $1.00/ft, which also includes electricity.
     Once secured to the dock, Pete had a few work related items to clean up after a conference call this morning and another conference call scheduled at 4.
     We said out good nights earlier than usual.  Pete was more than ready to call it a day.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Travel Day 19 ~ Daytona to Titusville, FL

     As was the plan for yesterday, Pete was up and cast off by 7 am,  so that he could drop the keys for the marina into the net held by the dock hands as he passed the fuel dock.
    Once on the Halifax River the currents were definitely against him.  For the first half of the day he was only doing 6.2 - 6.4 mph.  However, the later part of the day, the current gods were much kinder. He was cruising at 8.5 + mph.  The favorable current allowed him to get to the Eau Dallie Yacht Basin a good 90 minutes earlier than he had planned.
     Eau Dallie Yacht Basin is a marina new to us.  We never realized that it was here. We had seen it mentioned a couple of times on Facebook's Bob 423's Waterway Guide of the ICW.  It is nothing fancy, but it is a deep, well protected harbor and working yard.  The staff is friendly and the cost is very reasonable; only a $1.00/ft, which also includes electricity!
     Once secured to the dock, Pete had a few work related items to clean up after a conference call this morning.
     We said out good nights earlier than usual.  Pete was more than ready to call it a day.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Travel Day 18 ~ St. Augustine to Daytona, FL ~ A Week's Stay

Wednesday, 11/6/19 ~  Pete was up and out by 7:40 am in order to make the 8:30 opening of the Bridge of Lyons.  There was only 2 other boats waiting with him for this bridge. As they traveled south, they were joined by 4 other boats. Since there were slower boats behind him, Pete slowed so that they could catch up.  This way the Crescent Street Bridge would only have to open once.
     Once through the bridge, even with the current against him, he was traveling faster than the other boats.  He still thinks the increased speed is due to the new bottom paint.  What ever the cause, it is a welcomed plus!
     PEKABU cruised at 6.2-6.4 mph for a good deal of the day. Once she found the favorable current, she was cruising in the high 8's and made up a lot of lost time.  Pete pulled into Halifax Marina around 4:20. He fueled up and pumped out prior docking, since he will be here for the next week.
     The new bridge that has been under construction for the past 2 years here in Daytona, is having the decking completed.  It won't be long before it should be opening.
Bailey in Lizzie's Bed
    Once secure in the dock, Pete spent the next 3 hours completing work that is needed for a conference tomorrow morning.  Once finished, he was too tired to eat anything more than "a little of this and a little of that."
   While we were catching up on our day, I was able to tell Pete that Bailey is really enjoying her stay at my sister, Deneen's, home.  She is even playing with "wild Lizzie."  She has also taken over Lizzie's very big, thick, comfy bed. Our little lady likes her comfort!  Now I just need to figure how to fit something like that into the boat.
Thursday, 11/7/19 ~ After the conference call, the next priority on the list was to do laundry.  When he got up to the facilities, he had to wait for a free washer. So he opted to sit outside on the bench that overlooks the marina, and read.  Somehow, he didn't realize someone else came along and used one of the 2 washers.  Since the other washer was free, he did both loads individually and the same with the driers.  He spent a lot more time than he planned on laundry today.
     Once the laundry was put away and things straightened out on board, Pete started looking for a good deal on a rental car.  He really needs a hair cut (well, it really is he needs ALL his hair cut, as he likes to remind me!) There is also provisioning and other errands that he would like to do AND get his feet on land for a while!
     While Pet is enjoying the 80 degree weather, we here in NJ started in the low 50's and by 11 am, the temps had plummeted to the mid 30's. The winds are making it feel much worse.  The temps are also supposed to drop in the south due to the same cold front.  Pete will have to start wearing his jeans again!
     I took advantage in a lull in Debi's therapy to see Heather and Jenn,  Greg is still down in Memphis and couldn't come up this weekend.  After her therapy this morning, we ate lunch, and I packed for a 2-day stay.  That packing required me to once again reorganize the two canvas bags I am traveling with.  After the countless times I have reorganized since I have been here, I think I finally came up with a real working solution.  I have placed my short sleeve shirts in a plastic grocery bag, into others, I placed my warmer shirts, my underwear, and finally my pants in the last bag. Now I just lift the bag for the item I need.  Everything is easy access and not wrinkled!
     According to GPS it should have taken about an hour and 45 minutes to get to Heather's new apartment. Traffic was moderate, but there was still ongoing construction sites on the turnpike and  some of the main roads. I lost 45 minutes due to those delays, but still made it to Heather's in time for dinner.
     She recently moved into larger apartment.  This once is so much better than her last.  There is considerably more room, better lay out, easy and close parking and only 10 minutes from work.  It is really homey and welcoming.
Thor and Loki
     Heather has adopted two furry, 4-legged, furry brothers.  Thor and Loki are 10 month old orange tabby's.  They are fully of craziness and personality.  They have really proved to be great companions to Heather.  Pete and I are astounded that our children, who were raised with dogs, have all opted to have cats as pets.  Chris and Kel have Rubble, a sweet and BIG lug of a dog along with Rider, the cat that rules over Rubble, while Jenn and Greg have Cinnabon ("Buns") and Nala,  Whatever, the furry, 4-legged friends, they are family. We both miss our furry family member, Bailey.  Hopefully, we will all be united in the not too distant future.
    Speaking of dinner, while Pete dined on franks and salads, Heather introduced me to the most unusual pizza.  One of the specialty pizzas at the local eatery is the "BLT" Pizza. Yes, a bacon, lettuce and tomato on a thin crust pizza with mozzarella and ricotta.  Believe it or not, it was delicious!  Can't wait to have it again!  The TV played in the background as Heather and I talked until well past midnight!  It was great to catch up.

Friday, 11/8/19 ~ Pete cleaned the boat and scrubbed the enclosure. Since it was a quiet day work wise, after a shower, he sat in the cockpit and read.  This dock has activity except for the mechanics. Unusual for this time of year.
View from 78 miles
away from launch
     Even though it is a way away, Pete saw the launch of the Falcon 9 Starlink 1 which launched this afternoon from Cape Canaveral.
     It was different sleeping last night.  I forgot that cats are usually active at night.  Not only did they decide to play and sing in the living room at 3 this morning, they also enjoyed walking all over me while I slept.
    Once up we ate, talked and watched "the boy's" antics.  Around 11, we headed over to Jenn's, then headed out for our massages.  This was only my 3rd massage.  I really wonder why I allow so much time to pass between this wonderful, relaxed and refreshed feelings! Afterwards, we three ladies headed to Pete's Steak & Tavern for lunch. Lunch was full of delicious Fish and Chips and great conversation. We had to end our day early as Jenn had class to teach and I had to return to Debi's. I was sorry to see our time together had to come to an end.  We will have to do this again!

Saturday, 11/9/19 ~ Pete was able to get the car before noon. Some errands were run and dessert bought.  Pete then headed to Port Canaveral to join Deb and Hugh, SV SIMPLICITY for dinner.  As he was walking the docks, he found George and Lisa, SV BAY WIND, who are friends from our sail club.  Needless to say, he was just a wee bit late for dinner after catching up briefly with George and Lisa.  Spending time ashore felt really good.  It turned out to be a great day, between getting stuff checked off his list and sharing time with friends.

Sunday, 11/10/19 ~ Pete ran a few errands and did the food shopping, before returning the car. The afternoon was spent enjoying football.  I transcribed some of my notes onto the blog, but it is not ready for posting.  Hopefully soon!
Monday, 11/11/19 ~ Pete and George had a full day of work.  Their day started at 7 am in order to prep for the 9 am conference call.  The rest of the day was busy making modifications based on the call.  It wasn't until after 5 that they called it quits.  Dinner was just sandwiches and salads.  He was too tired to watch Monday Night Football.
     Today Debi had her MRI to evaluate the treatment.  Hopefully, the successful end of treatment is in site. 

Tuesday, 11/12/19 ~ Once again, Pete put in a full day of work.  
     After Debi's hydration appointment, we headed over to Park Ridge Wigs.  We had an interesting few hours learning about custom made wigs.  They had her try on wigs of various colors and styles.  These wonderful people strive to make a wig as close to her original hair and style as possible. There are different types of hair used in making wigs and for certain styles, specific type of hair must be used. Since these are wigs made of human hair, they can be died, highlighted and/or permed, depending on the specific quality of the hair. Her head was also measured so that the wig will properly fit her head.  Once completed, the stylist will cut and finalize the style of the wig. She is excited as once she has the wig, she will hopefully be returning to work. 
     Unfortunately, once home, Debi received the news no one saw coming. . . her cancer has spread.  Right now we have more questions than we have answers. Time for more research and questions to prep prior to meeting with the oncologist.

Wednesday, 11/13/19 ~ Pete was awakened by the strong winds around 5:30 this morning.  Since the alarm was set for 6 so that he could depart at 7, he turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.  At 8, he called that marina office and requested to stay another day.  They were glad he wasn't leaving with the winds 30-35 mph with stronger gusts.  After getting off the phone with Halifax Marina, he had a call from the Titusville Marina, where he has reservations for tonight.  She questioned if Pete planned on arriving today.  When he said "no," she was relieved. "There are white caps IN the marina and we don't think we could help you safely dock! " This also allowed boats there to stay put. He then called Eau Gallie Yacht Basin in Melbourne, where he had reservations for tomorrow night.  She was glad he called. She was going down the list to confirm/change reservations so now she had one less call to make.
     It wasn't a day to do chores on board. Just a few work related calls, then reading and enjoying the rocking of the boat for most of the day.   The winds finally began to die down around 4.  The sun came out and while the temperatures were lower than normal, it was a nice end of the day.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Travel Day 17 ~ Jekyll Island, GA to Comachee Cove, St Augustine, FL

Sunday, 11/3/19 ~ They were up and cast off the dock by 7 AM.  Thoughts of jumping off shore to St. Augustine were abandoned due to the 15-20 mph winds out of the south. By 10:20 AM, PEKABU was in Florida!
     This was Paul's first trip on a sailboat.  He really enjoyed the travels and was confident he could man the helm while Pete attended business down below.  The auto pilot was on and the course was straight and deep.  However, things got a little confusing when "the red canvased, south-bound sailboat" was hailed, by a power boat approaching from the rear.  Paul very efficiently called Pete to the cockpit, radio communications were established, and PEKABU was successfully passed by both southbound power boats.
     Paul might no be a seasoned sailor, but Pete really appreciated his culinary skills.  The snacks and meals he created were wonderful. (I hope Pete enjoys my cooking when I return!)
     The current gods once again looked favorably upon PEKABU. Most of the day was spent cruising at 7.6 mph plus.  There was only about an hour where they had to buck the current and their cruising speed dropped below 6.5.  The currents definitely made a difference. Pete had planned on arriving at Comachee Cove Marina around 8:30-9 pm, so they had requested the fuel dock to tie up for the night.  They pulled in around 5:45 pm with civil twilight making it much easier. Though the staff had already called it a day, the folks from other boats helped to secure PEKABU to the dock.  It is wonderful when planning a 14 hour day becomes an 11.5 day!
      The next best thing about arriving earlier, since both Pete and Paul were craving pizza, was being in time for grabbing a really great pizza at Vinny's New York Style Pizza right at the marina.  With a contented belly, the long days completed and all that fresh air poisoning, the guys had a early bedtime once more.

Monday, 11/4/19 ~  Pete went up 1st thing this morning to square up the bill.  They requested that PEKABU be moved so that they could accommodate a 45' boat due in later today. By 10 am PEKABU was settled into her slip for the next few days.
       Once the boat was moved, Paul called for an UBER and headed into town to sight see.  Pete had a couple of work projects that needed to be completed by later today.
      Pete called Deb and Hugh, SV SIMPLICITY, to see if they might be available for dinner tonight.  Unfortunately, they departed the mooring field in St. Augustine's at sunrise this morning for the ocean jump to Cape Canaveral, where they will be docked until April.  Pete also checked in with Vicky and Al of SV OHANNA KAI, and made dinner plans with them for later today.
       I had a call from my sister, Deneen, this morning,  Bailey's hind quarters are sore and stiff.  She has been favoring her left hip for the past few days.  I was able to call the Vet and have a prescription shipped to her house.  Hopefully, that will help.  I am sure the cold and her age are factors with her stiff limbs.  Thankfully, she is enjoying her stay with them.  We hope she wants to come back with us when I head to Florida to join Pete. (which I hope is sooner rather than later!)
     Al, Vicky, Paul and Pete met at the A1A Restaurant overlooking the square. This is Vicky and Al's first trip south.   They were unaware of the difficulty getting dockage longer than a day or two.  They will be scrambling to find places that will take a catamaran, which complicates things a bit more.
Dinner was great when shared with good friends and good food!
     Once back, they guys enjoyed Monday Night Football, especially since Baltimore beat New England!

Tuesday, 11/5/19 ~ Pete worked this morning while Paul continued his touring of St. Augustine.  He wanted to get the Panama hat he saw in town. Unfortunately, the time has come for Paul to return to his wife, Linda back in PA.  Pete has reserved the loaner car to that he can take Paul to the airport.
     When he returned from the trip to the airport, Pete had more work that needed to be ready for a conference call in the morning.  Dinner was just a few granola bars and soda once work was completed around 9.
     We quickly said our good-nights a tomorrow is another long day.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  K & P

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Travel Day 16 ~ Beuford, SC to Jekyll Island, GA

     Pete and Paul were up around 11:30 preparing for the midnight departure.
     They left as planned, and had the current down the river and with them as they exited the inlet.  The winds continued out of the north east at 15-20 mph. There was no moon due to the clouds. Six foot rollers from the aft with 3 foot waves from port led to hours of unsteady cruising.  The auto pilot was great for holding to the programmed course. Paul was OK with the unusual motion, but disappointed that he could not cook while at sea.
     Sunrise was unremarkable with the skies still blanketed in clouds. Though the journey they only saw 1 other sailboat, but it wasn't SIMPLICITY, who was making the trip to Cumberland, GA.  Had the alt/reg worked properly, PEKABU would have dropped anchor and joined Deb and Hugh that evening. Instead PEKABU was heading to Jekyll Island so that they could plug in and charge once they arrive.
     As they came up the river approaching Jekyll Creek, they could not help but notice the car carrier, GOLDEN RAY, still on her side after flipping and partially sinking back in the beginning of September.  Apparently, as the freighter enters shallower waters, they pump out some of the water that is used as ballast to make it higher in the shallower waters.  Apparently, the pumps once on, were forgotten and the bilges were pumped dry: NO BALLAST! With the weight of 6,000 cars above a non-ballasted hull, as it made a turn in the river, the boat continued to roll onto her side. Thankfully, when it sank, all 24 crew were OK, though 4 were trapped on board for about 36 hours. There are daily meetings between the USCG, the EPA River Tenders, Marine police, the harbormaster, the insurance company and the salvage company.  It might take up to a year or more to totally dismantle the ship.


     By 5 PM, PEKABU was secured to the dock at Jekyll Island and plugged in.  The charger kept the batteries around 90%.  They should have been topped off at 100% if the system was working properly..
     They guys were exhausted and hungry.  They opted to have a great dinner at Zachry's Riverhouse. Even though Pete had promised himself a great hamburger, he really enjoyed a delicious shrimp dish. Both Pete and Paul were anxious to call it a night.  It was no problem after such a wonderful dinner.
~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~    K & P

Friday, November 1, 2019

Travel Day 15 ~ St. John's to Beauford, SC

     PEKABU left the dock at 7 AM. Issues again with the alt/reg.  Pete spoke with Casey.  He is at a total loss at this point.  He has no additional suggestions for repairs.  Since the system is only partially discharging, he will continue with the trip and arrange for a referral to a Balmar tech in the Fort Pierce area.
      The currents were favorable for only 45 minutes.  The currents were against them all morning until they made the turn into the AsheePoo Cut.  Thankfully, with the change of the current, they made much better time.  They were able to make the opening of Ladies Island Bridge prior to the 4 PM closing for the commuter traffic.  The Marina is just south of the Bridge.
     Thankfully, they were able to change yesterday's dockage for today.  The trick was to keep PEKABU on the fuel dock so they can leave very early in the morning.
     Pete had a rush job to complete before dinner. While he worked, Paul decided to walk to the Publix for more goodies. AS he began his walk, he was offered a ride to AND from the store.  The gentlemen actually waited in the parking lot for Paul.  Talk about Southern Hospitality!
      Pete was just about finished with work when Paul returned.  Paul started cooking and they dined on crab cakes and fixin's.  As Paul's wife, Linda, says: "She and her family eat, while Paul and his side, dine!"  Pete really appreciates the great food, but enjoys the company more!
    Our good nights were early as they both need to get in a nap prior to their midnight departure.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~ P & K