Monday, October 10, 2016

Since We Returned Home

     Lot’s of wonderful changes have happened since we attempted our cruise south last fall. First and foremost, Pete’s mom is doing very well. Chris and Kel were married and have added a second granddaughter to our family. Greg will be marrying his love, Jenn, later this year, and Heather started a new career in another area of banking, which also meant a move to New Jersey. Our house is sold and our things have been sorted and divided, packed and reorganized. The kids got some, Salvation Army got a whole truck load plus, and the important remaining items have been placed on the boat or placed in storage.  Since May, we moved on board PEKABU and officially became “Full Time Cruisers.”

     This summer has flown by, spent organizing stuff from the move as well as prepping our 13-year-old boat. Like owning a house, lots of things needed repair or replacement. Thankfully, that list is almost complete. Our plan was to attend the Annapolis Sailboat Show, then begin our trip south.  Unfortunately, Hurricane Matthew decided to work itself up the east coast the same weekend. The Chesapeake was spared with only heavy rains and wind. Not the best conditions to visit an outdoor boat show.  Parts of Florida up to The Carolinas were not so lucky. We are watching the reports on Active Captain posted by those ahead of us heading south. Instead of the boat show, we spent the weekend with final preparation and planned to leave on Monday. Saturday night, we had an impromptu potluck dinner with Brian and Amy, our dock mates aboard CAYOTE. Sunday, we had dinner with Chris, Kel and the girls. Those winds I mentioned were from the north, between 20 and 40 mph for days.  It kept the water out of the bay, and more importantly, out of our marina!  We were 2 foot + below mean low water! We couldn’t leave the slip until the winds lessened and allowed the tide to return. So….

                ~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~    Kathy & Pete

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