Wednesday, October 12, 2016

We’ve Been Invaded!

 We were up early catching the heavy fog that was beautiful as it burned off. We needed to prep for the workmen doing repairs today. We never envisioned that they would all arrive at the same time.  10 AM arrived and so did the electronics’ specialist, the two riggers, and the two mechanics! 
     Our auto pilot no longer can keep track of the compass heading, but has also been doing “Crazy Ivans” like in THE HUNT FOR THE RED OCTOBER. After 2 hours of investigating, we found out that our unit is good, but the culprit was the large, metal, emergency tiller.  Apparently, when we put everything back after the new air conditioning unit was installed, the tiller migrated aft, closer to the flux gate compass for the auto pilot. Thankfully, the autopilot needed only a calibration.
     It’s been frustrating trying to get a rigger to come to our marina to inspect the rigging for the past 2 years   and to do the necessary repairs. We finally decided it was best to make an appointment and go to them.  Thankfully, the riggers here at Zahniser’s are well recommended.  The rigging is now inspected, stanchions need tuning, the jib should be raised and certain halyards that we couldn’t do ourselves need to be replaced. We also know that we will need to have stays replaced, no serious problems now - just some minor items that we can schedule for next spring. All-in-all not as bad as we were anticipating.
     This past weekend, when we attempted to turn on the heat, our month-old air conditioning unit decided to blow a fuse! The investigating, testing, running new wire, and replacing the mother board and pump, took the better part of 4 hours.

     All this work also meant that the large lazzerette and both aft lazzarettes in the cockpit needed to be emptied as well as our aft storage area (aka: the rear berth) as well as the removal of one of the floor panels. Bailey and I were cordoned off in the forward berth area for about 2 hours as there was stuff everywhere!  Then it took another hour or so to put things back in place.  The good news is that we were able to clean and organize as things were put away and know exactly what’s where.

                                                                            ~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~   Kathy & Pete

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