Friday, January 11, 2019

Our time in Riviera Beach Marina. . . . (continued)

THURSDAY, 12/27/18 ~  We awoke around 9:30. After Breakfast we decided to “chill” and just read, which is what we did.  The only blotch on the day, was that my throat is getting sore. Boo!!!  I really thought with all that washing of hands, I might escape Riley’s cold!

FRIDAY, 12/28/18 ~  Since coughing kept me up for a good part of the night, I reclined on the sofa all day. Pete headed to Publix to pick up a few things and treated us to some delicious waffles to go with the strawberries and blue berries I prepared when he got home.

SATURDAY, 12/29/18 ~ was more of the same.  Me coughing, nose running, sleeping little and couch potato while Pete read up in the cockpit.

SUNDAY, 12/30/18 ~ Ann and I wanted to see Mary Poppins Returns so that is where we and the guys headed this afternoon. I was loaded with lozenges and water to limit my coughing.  It worked. We were expecting a remake with many of the familiar songs returning.  It was actually a continuation with the next generation. The performers had great voices, especially Emily Blunt, but the songs didn’t catch you as they did in the original. We were all a bit disappointed.
     After the movie we headed to Smokey Bones for delicious ribs. Once home, I resumed my position on the sofa after taking Ni-Quil.

MONDAY, 12/31/18 ~  After very little sleep due to coughing and feeling lousy, we canceled our plans with Ann and Howie for New Year’s Eve Casino Night tonight.  I also called the cardiologists office and left a message with the service that I needed to cancel the procedure for the Cardiac Cath at the hospital on Wednesday.  No way could I lie still for hours with this cough. I’m pretty sure that the answering service didn’t understand that it wasn’t a regular office appointment.
      During the day, Ruth and Phil from SV SHOOTING STAR stopped by.  It was nice catching up with them.  They will be leaving here tomorrow to sit on anchor a while.  We might see them in Key West, before they jump over to the Bahamas.
     We knew that our friends, Brian, Amy and Anya (SV CYOTE) would be visiting his parents in Port St. Lucie over Christmas. We had hoped to get together but we couldn’t make it work.  However, after they left, his parents, Len and Lou (MV LION’S PRIDE) stopped by to check out the amenities here at the marina for visiting guests later this month.  It was great seeing them again.  We might see them in the spring when they Amy, Brian and Anya come down for spring break. 

NEW YEAR’S DAY 2019 ~    Pete was in bed around 10 last night.  I didn’t fall asleep until well after midnight, so I heard the boat horns blow and fireworks go off at midnight.
     I did get to see the Tournament of Roses Parade.  This year, HGTV didn’t broadcast it.  It was always a great way to watch it as they didn’t break for commercials and the hosts didn’t milk the bad jokes and puns.  This year I watched it on NBC and it was so scripted and the jokes bad, I actually turned the volume off!  Towards the end of the parade one of the floats broke down and delayed the rest of the paraded so they couldn’t show the grand finale. Despite my complaining, the floats were beautiful and definitely worth watching.

WEDNESDAY, 1/2/19 ~  First thing this morning, I called the hospital and spoke with the Cardiac Cath Lab. I really wasn’t sure that anyone cancelled the appointment based on my message on Monday.  It hadn’t been cancelled.  It wasn’t until 10 that the office called saying that the message was waiting when she got in this morning.  We were able to reschedule it for next Tuesday.  Fingers crossed that this cough will be done by then.
       Deb, Hugh and Kelly came into the marina this morning aboard SV SIMPLICITY.  This afternoon, Pete drove them down to Fort Lauderdale, so Kelly could fly back to Boise.  We will get together tomorrow.

THURSDAY, 1/3/19 ~ Pete and I stopped by Ann and Howie’s this morning to pick up mail that we had sent.  We also stopped at Walmart to pick up a few groceries.
Visitors keeping and eye on things
     While we were in Daytona, the cart I used for laundry and hauling other things, had broken.  Doing laundry here in Riviera, I have a ½ mile walk to and from the laundry.  Finding dock carts is not always possible, so we have been discussing purchase of a collapsible wagon.  On our way back, we decided to stop at Boat Owner’s Warehouse.  The only one they had was a folding aluminum that was too big to store onboard.  An internet search showed that the ones on Amazon were not on Prime, but that Walmart did carry one.  So, we went back to Walmart and purchased the one in stock.  It wasn’t the one we that caught our interest, but it seems well built, same dimensions folded and open, as well as same weight. For $30 less, we can give it a try. 
     Since I needed to do laundry, it was immediately put to use.  It works very well.  It is just a bit heavier than the former cart, but nothing I am going to complain about.
     We joined Deb and Hugh (SV SIMPLICITY) for burgers at the Tiki Hut here at the marina.  It was a great evening with good friends and yummy food.  They leave tomorrow, but we will meet up with them in Stock Island, Key West.

FRIDAY, 1/4/19 ~ Pete spent a good deal of the day emptying the aft cabin, tracing the water lines though the boat, measuring the and checking prices for the hose and fittings, and putting things back together.
A group of kids being towed over
to Peanut Island
      My energy levels are improving.  I scrubbed the bathroom and washed the bedding. When I went to the laundry, all three washing machines were in use.  I sat and read, waiting for them to be finished.  When they were, I emptied 2 of the machines, stacking each wet laundry load on 2 driers, in case it was two different people’s wash. Then I started my wash in the two machines, figuring the owner will shortly return, which she did.  What surprised me was that she immediately commented “how rude!”  my actions seems to be used by many in our travels.  I continued to read while my wash was being completed and didn’t start up a conversation.  She did ask me if I had wash in the machine as there was still time on one of her driers.  I thanked her and went back to find all my wash piled on one washer, though none were in use.  Well, I got some free time on the driers, and a lot of time in the sun, which helps with my cold.   
      Then it was back to the boat to put things away and start dinner.

SATURDAY, 1/5/19 ~ Some light house cleaning then headed to Ann and Howie’s for lunch then out to the fair. 
     Today is the Las Olas Craft Fair.  It is the perfect day with temps in the low 70’ and light breezes. There are probably 150 exhibitors over a 2-block area.  Many we have seen before previous craft fairs. There are lots of jewelers and painters, along with sculptures, weavers and photographers. Most of the paintings and sculptures are very contemporary and not my style, but it is always fun to see and also people and pet watch.
  I enjoyed talking with an artist who paints women suspended in air, but in an underwater fashion. I know it sounds a little wonky, but the models were beautiful in both human form and expression while the movement portrayed by her position as well as her gown were simply elegant.
     We headed back around 4. Ann and I made plans to see another movie on Monday. We will work out the details later.

SUNDAY, 1/6/19 ~  We read for a good deal of the day.  However around 4 we watched the EAGLES vs BEARS playoff game.  It was worth watching.  It came down to the last second where Eagles deflected the ball on a field goal and won the right to play again next weekend!
      Spoke with my sister, Deb.  Our Mom is holding her own, eating better and getting a little stronger.  They will continue to monitor the cancer, but will do nothing providing there is no pain or bleeding.

MONDAY, 1/7/19 ~ Ann and I have wanted to see the movie, Second Chance with Jennifer Lopaz, so I met her for lunch at Poppies before the movie. While eating lunch, a woman sitting at another table seemed to have some problem. Ann noticed that her friend removed her sunglasses.  Her pupils were fully dilated, and she was unresponsive.  Things were slow to improve, but they talked about getting to the car.  I offered to help them get her to the car if they wanted.  They waited a bit longer and she was able to leave on her own.  I hope it was nothing serious.
     The movie was cute.  It seems like most of the movies Jennifer is in are based on lies or major misconceptions.  However, they have all been enjoyable.

TUESDAY, 1/8/19 ~ We were up at 5 so we could make our 7 am appointment for the Cardiac Cath in Miami.  Traffic was a slight challenge and we were about 25 minutes late.  Thankfully, the intake and prep were the reason for the early start.  The actual procedure was at 10.  The staff was really great, the procedure fairly quick, but the 4 hours of lying still was difficult due to the constant urge to cough.  I was taking the lozenges about every 30 minutes, but I managed not to cough or move.
     I don’t know why they keep the lab so cold.  I doubt it was above 55 degrees.  Thankfully, for the patients, they provided warm blankets.  Poor Pete was only in shorts, a light weight shirt and sneakers.  He froze!  Please note that the staff offered him one of the warm blankets, but he refused, saying “I’m a guy!” Thankfully, he had to leave the area to make work calls, eat lunch, and do some work with George. He took advantage and stood in the sun whenever he could.
     The procedure showed that the LAD artery is no longer is spasm and returned to its normal size.  Even with the permanent damage to my lower heart from the heart attack, according to the cardiologist, I am “good for the next 40 years!”  I was finally discharged at 4:40 pm, just in time for traffic!  We finally got back at 7 to a very hungry and needy dog. 
     After a quick dinner, Pete had to spend the next few hours completing the project he and George worked on earlier today.

WEDNESDAY 1/9/19 ~  I laid low again, while Pete worked.  My body is a bit sore, and I am paying for suppressing the cough all day yesterday. I am coughing more than I did on Monday.

While I was sitting in the sun
absorbing Vitamin D for my cold,
This is what I saw next to our boat!
THURSDAY, 1/10/19~  Pete was up and out early this morning while I was still sleeping. He and Bailey went to Boat Owners Warehouse.  Apparently, we ran out of toilet paper.  That is a problem on the boat as it is the only thing that can be used with a marine head.
     He went grocery shopping and then worked most of the day, while I once again was a lady of leisure.

FRIDAY, 1/11/19 ~ Pete’s mom is having a hard time.  Her left knee is very painful. The problem has increased over the week.  We think it is gout.  She has had it before in her feet, and the symptoms are very similar.  There have been a number of calls between us and staff.  Hopefully, her doctor will be in by then end of today.
     I spent most of the day, writing the blog and working on photos.  Hopefully I will be able to post them tomorrow or Sunday.  I can’t believe I have let almost a month pass without posting!
     AND. . . I think I am finally seeing the light at the end of this cold!  My coughing is finally tapering off.  Who ever said that colds last a week or 7 days is crazy!!!

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~    K & P

1 comment:

  1. Are you now in Ft Lauderdale because we are in DelRay Beach for month of February?
