Saturday, April 29, 2023

Week 34 / Week 27 in Ft Pierce

Reflections of Clouds
     Sunday, 4/23/23 ~ We were supposed to leave today, but Pedro hasn’t been back to fix the alarm, we are still in a holding pattern. We put up the enclosure, which I knew was going to be a challenge. What I didn’t expect is that we are about 10 inches short on each side to meet with the dodger. I called Georgia and asked if she could come and take a peek. She might be able to offer a solution. I think if put in a panel on each side will fit. I could have done it quickly, IF I had the canvas and sewing machine onboard (and all that extra weight.)

     I was able to post a lot more to the blog and of course fill in with the photos that I somehow skipped. Another productive weekend but, still we’re not on the move. Boo-Hoo!

     Monday, 4/24/23 ~ Pete had to text Pedro twice, but he will be here tomorrow, so we are hoping to get out of here by Wednesday.
     Georgia stopped by and took the side panels. Like I though, she’s going to sew an additional panel of canvas with a pocket for the dowel, on the section closest to the dodger. It should do the trick. The rest of the day I spent working on the blog and processing more photos. Damn! I sure take a lot of them! By dinner time, the storms rolled in. We had a lot of rain, thunder, and lightning. That wonderful repair job I did on the side windows leaks. (Of course, we have not had intense, driving, rain like this, with us on board, since the hurricane.) I’m really disappointed, and will go after it tomorrow.

                             These ominous clous rolled in after dinner
   Tuesday, 4/25/23 ~ Tillie’s internal alarm clock is driving us crazy. She wakes up about 5:45 and needs to go out. She used to just whimper, now she barks. She also used to come back and go back to sleep. Now she barks because she wants to go out with Pete. He’s a sweetheart and still lets me sleep for another hour and a half or so. For me, that makes a big difference- - for him, well he’s exhausted!
     Pedro, Sr joined Jr and another crew, to run the new wire. We are set to go!
     I continued to work on the blog and I am slowly approaching “totally caught up!” I have the blog written through yesterday and most of the photos processed, but I think I need a break. After dinner, I just vegged in front of the TV while Pete made it an early night.
A Mangrove Crab
found its way onboard

   Georgia stopped by with the modified enclosure panels. I had to keep Tillie down below so I could see if the modifications worked. We were about to get hit with a substantial thunderstorm, so I let Georgia head back to her boat and I will try fitting them later once it passes. Initially, I had problems, but it was my fault. I mixed up the port and starboard panels, which really screwed up the fitting to the dodger. Once corrected, it works.

     All the stuff that was in the aft cabin is now on the sofa. This cabin is a disaster. Just one more day....

     The storm that rolled in last night was intense.  Winds were remarkable. Some folks in the marina clocked them at 70+.  A couple of the boats had canvas damage by a Choy Lee on C-Dock lost her mast and hard top, while the owners were on board.  The Marina posted photos of prepping the Choy Lee before moving her to a dry dock.


Final Sunrise at Ft Pierce  (?)
     Wednesday, 4/26/23 ~ We were up, Tillie walked, the electrical and hose were already coiled, the fender boards removed and put away, the engine running, the nav instruments on, and all, but one line, removed, when the engine alarm sounded. The engine was shut down, another line quickly attached, and our hopes of getting underway today ended. Pete quickly sent an email to Pedro so we will just have to wait and see.

     We once again did the ‘Stuffle Shuffle” so that when they came around 11:30 they had full access.  They need something from the shop so they will be back to repair it. Joy, joy. Another night of stuff all over the boat.

     Thursday, 4/27/23 ~ We were ready by 9, in the hopes that the mechanic would return early. While preparing breakfast, I noticed that Pete was out of cold soda. There is no way to get to sodas that are stored under the sofa, without relocating all the stuff from the back. So once again we need to do the “Stuffle Shuffle!”

     Fort Pierce now has the FreeBee, “A 100% electric, short-distance, transportation service thanks to a partnership between the City and Freebee.” It serves a limited area of downtown and the northern end of Hutchinson Island. Seeing it parked, Pete suggested that since we don’t have a car, if we needed something, we might be able to use them. Thankfully, I am well situated with provisions and should be OK until we get to St. Augustine, where Comachee Cove Marina has 2 loaner vehicles.
     Pedro and crew returned around 12:30. The oil sensor switch, which was replaced in Key West, has never worked as it should. The replacement one Pete ordered from Catalina is not the correct one. So. . . Pedro and crew are out searching for one. If they can find the common part at an automotive store, they will be back today. If they have to order it, Pete offered to pay the express shipping. Our departure date from Ft Pierce is now +4. It is really hard to sit and wait when we were ready to leave as of last Friday (of course with the exception of the engine alarm). Well, on the positive side, The Blog is completed through Sunday and posted on the web! I am officially caught up! At least right now.

The bushes were scalped
 about a month ago,
but are already filling in
   Thursday, 4/27/23 ~  Pedro Jr was here with his helper. The alarm was inserted and the wire has been replaced. . .But there is still a problem! The “stuff” will remain displaced.

     We spoke with Ann and Howie. Since we are still here, they would like to come up on Saturday and have an early dinner out with us, preferably seafood. I guess we will be heading back to Buoy 12A, Yea!

     Friday, 4/28/23 ~ I took advantage of the day to do the laundry again. Pete spoke with Neil who offered his car to use for the final grocery run if needed. We both found a couple of last-minute chores to be done onboard.
     Pedro will not be able to return until Monday. The “stuff” will be put away again, at least for the weekend.


The boys are looking for Barb
 and Michael, but they already
 headed home to the Carolinas
     Saturday, 4/29/23 ~
We enjoyed the extra visit to the Farmer’s Market and enjoyed today’s band. They are one of the better groups we have seen perform. You can tell the season is winding down. Less people mingling among the stands and the stalls are not as well stocked, but the bakery still had all the wonderful munchies!
     Being a mild temperature day with low humidity, I was finally able to get the registration on the dinghy and to finalize the window repair on the port side.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~    K & P

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