Sunday, October 16, 2016

Heading South to Norfolk

     It was a beautiful morning and I was lucky to capture some of it.

Pete did a lot of research as to places we could stop tonight that will get us close to Tidewater Marina in Portsmouth and have easy access to walk the dog.  Monday will be very busy for him and he would rather not try to time docking around his buys phone conference schedule.  He considered Cape Charles, but we would still have 5 hours to Portsmouth on Monday. He also investigated South Hall Landing Marina, which would reduce travel to about 3 hours in the morning, so we made reservations for tonight.

     The current was not our friend for a significant part of our travels. From Smith Point to Wolf Trap Light, we were down to 4.7 miles an hour due to the 1.7 knot current against us.  The good news was that from Wolf Trap down to the base of the Chesapeake, we were able to use the main for another ½ mile of speed.  The current became more favorable and we finally were cruising at 7.5 mph. Pete did the calculations and believed we could make Tidewater by 6. Canceling our reservations at South Hall Landing and making one at Tidewater, we increased the engine speed, fought the current in Norfolk, and made it to Tidewater by 5:40!  It is a relief to know that the pressure is off for Pete’s work schedule tomorrow.

      Last week was the Great Schooner Race from Annapolis to Norfolk.  In our journey today, we saw a few heading home.  The Waterfront across from Tidewater Marina was loaded with people, tents and a Navy vessel

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