Saturday, December 7, 2019

~ Stay in Fort Pierce ~ Week 3

Sunday, 12/1/19 ~  The rain arrived around 11 AM, but by noon had changed over to snow. It was cold and raw.  By 3 PM, there was about 5 inches on the grass, but only a dusting on streets and about 2 inches on the sidewalks.  Great day to put up Christmas!
Christmas at the Clough's
    Friday, the girls brought up all the Christmas boxes and assembled the tree, then headed out with friends. With Christmas songs playing, Debi and I enjoyed decorating.  I forgot how many Christmas ornaments I have made over the years. Seeing so many of them going up on her tree made me feel good about making them.  This year's ornament parts and pieces are in the car, waiting for assembly.
    I made a pot of chili and biscuits for dinner; perfect for a raw, snowy day.
    While it snowed in NJ, Pete took advantage of the mild temps and sunshine to defrost the refridge, fill our water tanks, clean the bird poop off the decks and take the dinghy out for a spin.  It has been months since the engine was run so Pete thought it best to let it run for a while.
    While talking with his Mom, he learned that she has become a football fan.  No team in particular, but she roots for the team in the prettier uniform. Since she has no preference, her weekends are busy between college and professional football.

Monday, 12/2/19 ~ Pete has a quiet day.  It was sunny, but windy and cool.  He sat in the cockpit most of the day enjoying his latest book.
Snow's here!
     We woke to 3 inches of snow. Thankfully, little of it remains on the roadways. My sister, Deneen, called.  They are about 40 minutes NW of Debi and have about 7 inches of snow on the ground, but the snow showers continue.  She said Bailey really doesn't like snow.  Bailey zoomed out to take care of business, then ran back into the house.  She is also having substantial stiffness in her left hind quarter. I called our vet to get something to make her more comfortable.  We have a pharmacy that will mail her prescriptions to wherever we need it.  The prescription should arrive Wednesday or Thursday.
     I spent the morning researching info on immunotherapy for tomorrow's meeting with Debi's oncologist. For most of the afternoon, I worked on the blog.  I am very slowly making progress.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering
 in Park Ridge, NJ
Tuesday, 12/3/19 ~ We were up bright and early to make the 8 AM appointment at the Cancer Center's lab. This is the first time in about 5 years I have had to clear the snow off a vehicle! Then she had the meeting with the oncologist, where some of our questions were answered, but there is no solid explanation for the spread.  The outlook is conservatively optimistic, but better than we anticipated.  Then she started her 1st round immunotherapy. We were at Sloan-Kettering until about 2. We decided to celebrate by heading over to BJ's Restaurant and have New England Clam Chowder and some appetizers for a late lunch.
     Pete picked up his rental car around noon.  He was scheduled to have someone pick him up around 10, but after 3 calls, he opted to Uber over. The car was barely prepped. The staff apologized and explained that only one crew member and one booking agent reported to work this morning; two out of six staff! She was not only doing paper work, but also washing cars in her skirt and heals. Once in the car, Pete ran a couple of needed errands.
     After dinner, Debi, Mom and I watched the TV special: Brad Presley Thinks He's Special. I am not well versed on Country Singers, but we all were amazed at his guitar rifting. His guests included Carrie Underwood, Payton Manning, Tim McGraw, Darius Rucker, Jonas Brothers  and Kelsea Ballerini.  Throughout the entire program he created situations that you couldn't help but laugh.

Wednesday, 12/4/19 ~ A cold front came thought last night. Here in NJ we woke to temps in the mid-30's. In FLA, Pete woke to temps in the mid-40's - cold for this part of Florida!  Most of his day was spent running errands.  Mail picked up from Green Cove Springs, golf clubs dropped up to have the grips replaced, food shopping and a stop at the post office took up most of the day.
     Now that we know Debi's continued treatment, she and I discussed my departure.  I have been here 4+ months.  I am so glad I was able to be here for Debi. Now that she is stronger and treatment is bi-monthly, it is time.  Pete and I spoke and he found a $45.00 air fair from West Palm Beach to Newark.  However, everything is extra; carry-ons, checked luggage, food, drinks.  He will fly up next Friday, and we will drive home on Saturday, so it should just be a light carry-on. My time making up  the sofa every night is coming to an end!

Thursday, 12/5/19 ~ Pete was finishing up a work project when Bruce, formerly of SV ALIZE, called.  He and Lin have returned to land and now living here in Ft. Pierce.  They had just received our Christmas card and were thrilled to learn that Pete was so close.  He came and visited for the afternoon. Once I am back here, we will arrange to get together.
     Debi and I ran some errands and while at BJ's Wholesale, she signed up for membership and was able to order new glasses with an additional discount for new membership as well as a December onsite sale.

Friday, 12/6/19 ~ The cold is sticking around on the entire east coast, so is the winds.
      Pete worked all morning, then planned to pick up salads and herring from Blick's, his golf clubs which were being re-gripped and then meet Ann for a Chinese dinner at Hunan's. He arrived at Glicks at 3:05 pm. He along with 4 others, were very disappointed to to see a hand written sign stating that Glick's closed at 3!  Disappointed, he headed to the golf shop to pick up his re-gripped clubs only to find another hand written note: Closed due to broken water pipe! At least Ann didn't stand him up!  They enjoyed the company and dinner.
     But his strange day wasn't quite over!. . . There was no parking anywhere downtown. Pete had to park about 3 blocks away.  Tonight was Friday Fest here in Ft. Pierce.  Bands were playing, food and craft tents were set up and people roamed all around the town center here at the Marina (It happens first Friday of every month!).  He had to wait until after 9 to find parking close to the marina.
     Debi and I headed over to the wig maker.  This will be the second try to see if they can create her hair as it was before she lost it.  It turned out OK, but so much better than it was.  I hope she will go back to have them modify it a bit more.  The curl and color are off.  She will need it in order to return to work. She works with pre-teens who are autistic.  They do not like change, but I think they will be thrilled to have her back.  Hopefully, it will be in January.

Will be put to good use!
Saturday, 12/7/19 ~  Pete and Tim, SV EVENING STAR, headed over to the Farmer's Market this morning. Pete picked up Bear Claw, Danish and Rasin Bread along with some fresh fruit.
Elijah Christopher
     After dropping Tim's purchases off at his boat, in the marina across the ICW, the guys headed to a nautical flee market.  It was a disappointment and not worth the $7 entry fee.  Poorly supplies and very limited variety,  definitely geared to fishermen and small boats.
    Pete dropped Tim off at his marina, where he will be for the week,  Then Pete headed back to the boat and cleaned the boat interior.
     He chilled the rest of the night.
     I did some work on the blog and was able to post a number of entries.  I also processed some of the photos Jason and Ashley sent Debi of her grandson, Eli.  He is so cute.  It looks like they will be able to fly up from Austin sometime in January.  He is 5 months old and Debi can't wait to meet him!

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

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