Thursday, April 16, 2020

Week One in St. John’s, SC ~

Pete's least favorite job!
Friday, 4/10/20 ~ After breakfast, Pete got everything he thought he might need ready and, then with me serving as gopher, he proceeded to work his most dreaded thing – the head!  After 6 hours, with a lot of stretching, sweat and a few choice words, a new hose, and a super Cloroxed bathroom, we have success!
     Both of us will sleep well tonight. . . and have a very short walk to the head!

Tonight's view
Saturday, 4/11/20 ~ Pete wanted to check out fishing gear, so he invited me to join him at Walmart.  I took advantage to also do some grocery shopping.  The fishing gear was junk, but the supermarket was fairly well stocked.  I still can’t get Clorox spray or wipes, face masks or bandannas, but no problems getting meat and other provisions.
     We brought the groceries back to the boat, had lunch and then while I put things away, Pete headed off to a local fishing store where the salesman was very helpful and informative. (They were only allowing 2 people in at a time.) He came home with a decent rod, reel and tackle for a new hobby! 
    After dinner I read, while Pete did more research on fishing, including an app that helps identify fish.

Couldn't resist ~
Steam bubbles on crock pot top
Sunday, 4/12/20 ~ We prepped the boat for strong winds that are predicted to hit over the next 24 hours.  Pete doubled up lines and hung extra fenders and we made sure that things were secured and protected.  It didn’t take that long, because we regularly secure things when we are done with them.
     I started the morning, digging the crock pot out of the bow storage. I am making Corned Beef for dinner.  Ever since speaking with my sisters I have been craving a good corned beef.  Today’s as good as any to make it.  Especially since it is windy, rainy and cold!  We were not disappointed.  It was a pretty lean cut, but the fatty pad was still attached.  It was tasty and tender. So were the potatoes and carrots.!  YUM!

Monday, 4/13/20 ~  The winds were blowing 25-30 mph out of the SSE and the boat was rocking most of the night. Pete was even able to feel when the ebb current started to race around 3 am. When we woke before 7, there was already a tornado watch in effect for this area along with alerts for lightning, thunder, high winds, flooding, high surf, rip currents and pollen. Pete hurried to get Bailey’s walk in before the storms arrived in full.  His window was only 10 minutes and they made it back just as the first rains began to fall.  The lightning and thunder had already started.
     Once back on board, hunkered down and waited for the storms to pass. The winds were easily 35- 40 mph with gusts over 50! I kept the radio on and there were two additional tornado warnings: one north and one south of here. By afternoon the clouds dispersed, the winds lightened, the sun came out and the temperatures rose. By evening, there were reports of 7-9 tornadoes in South Carolina. One was an F-3, two others were F-2, and a few possible F-1/F-0, or sheer wind damage.  Waiting on the weather service to confirm.  Unfortunately, there were also 9 reported deaths. The closest tornado to us was down at Edisto Beach, around 25 miles from here. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the storms.
     I spent the afternoon starting to post the blogs to the internet. I am making good progress.

Tuesday, 4/14/20 ~  Pete worked half a day and tried his hand at fishing.  He enjoyed the 2 hours, had a few nibbles, but no bites.  Perhaps next time.
     I was able to finish posting everything that is ready to the blog.  I am almost caught up. I only have the past 10 days to finish.  However, knowing me, I will probably have 2+ weeks to post when they are ready. It is a shame to waste such a pretty day inside the boat, but this is the only way I will get caught up.
     Tonight’s local news reported that 20 tornadoes hit South Carolina yesterday. Due to the shelter in place and social distancing, the authorities though there might be more, but, thankfully, fatalities have not increased.

Bailey staying out of
 my cleaning frenzy
Wednesday, 4/15/20 ~  Pete had a full day of work; I did too!  I deep cleaned ¾ of the boat.  I still have the port side of the salon and the floor, but windows and woodwork were cleaned, shelves emptied, cleaned and reorganized as well as some storage areas.  I finally ran out of time and energy.

Thursday, 4/16/20 ~  As Pete settled in for a busy work morning, I headed up to do 4 loads of laundry.  Besides having 2 weeks’ worth of laundry, I stripped all the towels AND the rugs. Me and the trusty wagon headed up.  There were 3 others currently doing laundry.  I was able to visit with Ashley, her boyfriend, Fred, Chris from a few boats down from us.  Two machines are not working properly, so between other and the non-working machines, I had staggered my loads.  I sent the better part of 4 hours doing laundry.  Pete felt sorry for me and offered to bring up lunch, but I decided to eat it when I was done. 
     I was back by 2. Brought down the bags of laundry, hung the rugs to dry on the lines and ate by 2:30.  Once the laundry was put away, I didn’t feel guilty taking an hour nap.

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~  P & K

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