Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Norfolk ~ Day 2

     The winds continued to build, but we got up at 7.  Once back from walking the dog, we decided to stay the extra day. Pete had a lot of work and 2 conference calls, we needed to assemble and restock the freezer.
One of the most unique Trawlers
we have seen. I'd love to tour
its interior!
     We check the weather for winds associated with the tropical storm Willa and how they will be affecting the area later this week, then called Coinjock Marina for reservations for Thursday and Friday as we will also need fuel.  The dockmaster said he would have to confirm depending on how many boats departed, so we also covered out bases by making a reservation at Midway Marina just in case.
     Once the conference calls were completed, Pete was able to bleed the washdown pump and get it working again.  I topped off the water, hung our name sign from the aft of the Bimini, then began dinner. After listening to a number of dock mates, who traveled down the Bay today, we are glad we stayed put. Winds were around 25 mph with waves were 5-8 feet. Definitely a good decision!
     After dinner, we discussed out options and decided to wake at 4 am so that Bailey could be walked.  Here at Tidewater we are on the outer area of the marina.  That means almost a ¼ mile walk to land. We have to allow for there, playtime and back. Then we needed to consider that the Glimerton Bridge does not open between 6:30 and 9:30 am. If we want to have an early arrival at Coinjock, we really should be at the Glimerton Bridge before it closes.  That will give us time to make the 1st opening of the Lock at 7 am.
The Full Moon Rises
European Cruise ship departing for NYC

   We made it an early night knowing that 4 am isn’t that far away!

~ ~ ~ /) ~ ~      K & P

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