Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Belhaven to River Dunes Marina, Oriental, NC (Mile 173 ICW)

Andiamo as we prepare to lift anchor in Belhaven
            Today’s departure, at 7:30 AM from Belhaven, was accompanied by fairly gentle winds, cool temperatures and colorful sunrise.  As we entered the channel on the Pungo River and joined so many other sailboats heading all the same way, I had an “AHA moment.” I finally realized that we have joined a flock of snow birds, migrating on the winds to head south to warmer climates.

The clouds were changing with the
changing winds as we approached
            While traveling through Goose Creek, I had my first encounter with a pod of dolphins while sailing Pekabu III.  Pete and Heather have encountered them before, but I have never been so lucky.   As we continued down another canal Pete pointed out, and I have to agree, that the marshes are pristine; they do not have the invasive grasses we have seen in the New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland area marshes.  The marshes blended with cypress and pine. We passed the Coast Guard Station on the canal in a town called “Hobucken.”  When we first heard them identify themselves, we thought we might be picking up more radio “skip” from north Jersey, close to where we grew up. . . not far from “Hoboken!” Crossing the Bay and Neuse Rivers was sloppy due to the increasing winds and quartering seas.  

Bob Casey and Irene Ramos
of SV Sojourner
     After battling tricky waves we were thankful we had reservations at the River Dunes Marina, Oriental, NC for the next couple of days. Sojourner has been traveling the same distances we have each day since Norfolk, but their days are longer due to Sojourner’s cruising speed, so Bob and Irene will continue onto the town of Oriental so that they are closer to the stores, etc. They will also be on the move much sooner than us due to their timetable. We will probably meet up with them a little later in our journey.  For the time being we are parting with Sojourner, but we have caught up with Ed and Connie of Surprise.  This is a beautiful resort.   We had the opportunity to meet a number of other cruising dock mates and cruisers up at the main building, for dinner of chicken stew, salad, cornbread, wine, beer and great conversation.  There is a weather front coming in for the next two days. Since Andiamo and Brunelle will be returning home Wednesday, Seville and we will be relaxing here, not to mention provisioning, cleaning, doing laundry, etc.  
Dan, Martha, Ed, Connie, Glen, Maureen,  Joe Rocchio, Mike and Angie Williams, Kathy & Pete
Mike is from SV Onward and Mike & Angie are from SV Lady of Lorien
      Tonight was the first taste of what true cruising lifestyle is like. The opportunity to enjoy the company of other cruisers, share stories and share the lessons learned.  This is going to be a wonderful adventure!

50.6/397.8  Total Statute miles            ~  ~ (\_~ ~ ~     Kathy and Pete  

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