Thursday, November 11, 2010

Well Deserved R & R – Georgetown, SC

     We were supposed to sleep in late, and so we did. . . until 8 AM.  We still had our lazy day.  We both read a bit and I did a write a little for the blog, but kept being interrupted.
     Pete did a lot of chores around the boat.  All the boats needed to refuel. Unfortunately, it meant repositioning everyone during the strong current in the fueling area. Once refueled, our boats were all placed at the end of the dock because new boats had reservations for this evening and were coming in after hours so they needed access to that end of the dock.
Martha, Betty and one of the old trees
that canopied the streets of Georgetown.

Many of Georgetown's homes
have been restored.

Part of the Veteran's Parade
down the main street.
The ones that used to pass my house never
included the Coast Guard!


  Around 3 PM Martha, Betty and I headed into town just to walk a little and get the blood moving. Glen and Maureen had already left. Georgetown is an old town with many old homes and a quaint main street, restaurant dock, anchorage, and Veterans’ Day Parade that we were just in time to view.
We can't figure how he
 managed to get up there.

The current here is amazing!
      We returned to make reservations at the Land’s End Restaurant at the Marina.  As we approached the entry way, something caught Betty’s attention, What she thought was a cat in the copula was actually a raccoon.  We still do not know how it managed to get up there.  We gathered the rest of our group and headed back for a great dinner.  James, our server, steered us in the right direction.  We all had wonderful seafood dinners.  We also found out the James’ family was displaced by Hugo in 1989, which decimated this area.  Pete had learned that Hugo created a 20 tidal surge in McClellenville, which forced the entire town to seek refuge in the high School.  It was the highest building in the town. As the water continued to rise, everyone had to continue to climb until they were in the attic to escape the rising water.

     On our walk back to the boats, Pete pointed out all the signs on the docks about the alligators and not to throw fish parts or food into the water  We also discuss our departure plans for the morning.

     Tomorrow we are off to Charleston.

 ~ ~ (\_ ~ ~ ~  Kathy and Pete


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