Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Exuma Land and Sea Park

Wardrick Wells
     The weather forecast for the next few days is for strong winds out of the east. We are protected here in Schroud Cay, but there is no internet service for Pete.  Everyone would like to move down to Warderick Wells Cay.  However, It seems that everyone is waiting for the 9 AM check-in with the Ranger for availability before releasing the mooring ball.  We all head out and are underway when roll call begins at 9 AM.  We all were able to get on the waitlist for today.  By 9:30 we all had mooring ball assignments at Emerald Rock, which is just south of the Park Headquarters.  After following Brunelle into the mooring field we were settled in by 12:30.  The headquarters are closed for lunch, so we opted for lunch as well.
Wardrick Wells, the darker blue is the deeper water
Emerald Rock sits in the middle of our anchorage
      We headed in by dinghy and paid for two nights.  We should have brought a credit card so we could have had a running total rather than paid cash.  Oh well, this is a good excuse to go back to buy a tee shirt.
     We wanted to take pictures so we started out on the path to Boo-Boo Hill.  Unfortunately, the clouds continued to gather and they started to “spit.”  Unsure of just how long the trek on the uneven limestone surfaces was to be, we turned around and retraced our 10 minute trek back to headquarters and the dinghy.  We still had another 5 minute ride back to Pekabu.  We timed it perfectly for the heavens opened as soon as we were on board.
The skeleton of a sperm whale
Part of the Causway Path
as it crossed the island
     Pete worked and I worked on the blog.  Hopefully, when he is done, I can post. As it turned out, I can use the Wifi here in the park. I don’t need the antenna.  I was able to get 8 days posted to the blog and do some e-mail.

     Even with gray skies, the waters are an unbelievable color.  The winds are really picking up.  By evening, the mooring field is full. I guess everyone is concerned about the weather.  After dinner, I did a little more on the blog and called it quits.

Curley Tailed Lizard ~
one of the natives
   It is hard to believe we are here in Land and Sea Park. Hopefully, we will get a chance to explore this area tomorrow.  We found out that Brunelle’s crew is having a stomach virus make the rounds.  We will find out in the morning if we will be moving on or staying here another day.
~  ~ (\_~ ~ ~     Kathy and Pete    

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